Avalon Hill's PanzerBlitz was a successor to a game called
"Tactical Game 3," which was never developed for market. The story can
be found on related web sites. What's important here is that the game
does have a long and successful history, ultimately selling hundreds
of thousands of copies.
PanzerBlitz links
Here are a few of the best links about PanzerBlitz available on the web.
often referred to as "ImStrat" has an incredible collection of articles,
counters, maps and other material related to PanzerBlitz, Panzer Leader
and the Arab Israeli games. Seriously, ImStrat is worth hours of time.
ConSim World Forum
appears to be where a number of current PanzerBlitz players can be
found. The forum is relatively relaxed and low traffic, but there is a
lot of information available.
There are several more outstanding links which will be added in the
future, and if you, the reader, find one of your favorite sites missing,
please issue a pull request
with the relevant addition.