The following Q & A were extracted from a set of links maintained for PanzerBlitz errata at Grognard. Any discrepancy between the below and the material at Grognard should be resolved in favor of Grognard.

Q. Can either side voluntarily destroy their own armored vehicles?

A. No

Q. Does a colored hexside obstruct the line of fire?

A. In some cases, yes. It depends on the respective elevation of the attacker and defender. Consult the Target Elevation Table and the Examples of play card as there are many different situations.

Q. Do you count truck and wagon units for victory conditions?

A. Yes, but you don't count pieces which contain no men such as mines, blocks, and fortifications.

Q. Are units on hilltop hexes such as the plateau-like hilltop on board 2, that are not forest or town hexes, subject to the overrun rule by armored units?

A. Yes, only hexes with orange sides are hilltop hexes. A clear hex is a clear hex, no matter what its elevation is. Clear hilltop hexes are clear hexes.

Q. If a unit is fired upon from a woods hex or a town hex, can it return fire without meeting the SPOTTING RULE conditions?

A. No. SPOTTING RULE conditions must always be met.

Q. Using the INDIRECT FIRE rule, may a friendly unit call in artillery fire even though a friendly CP unit does not see the enemy unit?

A. No.

Q.Can block units ever be destroyed by engineers or artillery?

A. No.

Q. May a unit on a hilltop hex fire at a unit on a slope directly behind a brown hexside (the reverse slope)?

A. Yes. This is shown on the examples of play card, see note C&D. Alsom note that this is not always the case. The exceptions are covbered in the rules under the SPECIAL NOTES part of the Obstacles and ELEVATIONS section of the rules.

Q. In situation 10, may the Germans win a marginal victory by destroying all 12 Russian units on board 1 without even entering board 3?

A. Yes, but the Russians may then win a decisive victory by moving all their forces onto board 3. Note that the North direction arrow should be pointing towards board 2.

Q.When making the initial setup of units, can the half hexes on the sides of the boards be used if a unit in such a hex would be half on one board and half on another?

A. No. Units must be completely on one board as indicated.

Q. What happens in Situation 1 if three German units are destroyed?

A. Decisive Victory.

Q. If there are several units on a hex that have identical defense factors, how is it decided which is the weakest?

A. You may attack the unit of your choice.

Q. What would happen in a situation such as No. 6 if the Russian player refuses to attack the German position?

A. Nothing. No battle - no victory.

Q. In situation 1, may all the CPs be placed in one fort or may two be placed in one fort or may only one be in each fort?

A. All three may be in one fort, but the fort must be on a hilltop hex (one with six orange sides).

Q. The TEC states that it costs a truck unit 2 MF to enter a clear terrain hex. Does this mean each clear terrain hex?

A. Yes.

Q. When a unit becomes dispersed, does he still have Zone of Control on the hex he occupies?

A. Yes, enemy units may still not move through a dispersed unit. The dispersed unit still retains its normal defense factor.

Q. If a unit moves to a Fortification, does it cost him a MF to enter UNDER the fortification, rather than just sit on top of it?

A. There are no movement penalties for moving onto or into a fortification counter.

Q. On the optional rules concerning Panzerblitz assault, must the infantry attack the overrun unit or may it attack any adjacent unit?

A. It must attack the unit being overrun.

Q. If only a transport or CP unit is placed under a fortification counter, does the fort counter still have its full defense factor?

A. Yes, any fort with people in it will do it.

Q. If a fort is occupied, can enemy units travel directly through that hex?

A. No. They may move onto the fort in one turn, but they cannot move off until the next turn.

Q. If there are three German units in a fort, can there also be three German units on that fort?

A. Yes, or two Russian units.

Q. If the Germans have to get units onto board 2, for example, to satisfy victory conditions, are the units that are on squares that are half on board 2 and half on another board considered on board 2?

A. No.

Q. If a unit moves onto a minefield and survives the attack, can it attack in that turn?

A. No. On the next turn, it may move, fire, or execute overrun or CAT attacks. It may remain on the minefield without suffering further "attacks".

Q. In situation No. 5, do all German units have to move off the east side of board 2?

A. No. But before any given unit can count toward the victory conditions, it must leave and stay off for three complete turns.

Q. May wagons move from a gully to a slope hex?

A. Yes. Any unit can always move one hex regardless of movement costs listed on the TEC. Forbidden movements such as armor entering swamps are not allowed.

Q. Are cavalry considered vehicles on the TEC?

A. Yes, except that they can pass through green hexsides without cost.

Q. Since units in towns and forts are treated as armor targets, can they be attacked by I units that are two squares away? A. No.

Q. If two engineer units are adjacent to a minefield, cvan they "attack" it twice in one turn?

A. Yes.

Q. Can trucks and wagons spot?

A. Yes.

Q. Can a carrier move after it has unloaded if it has MF left?

A. If a transporting vehicle has MF left over after unloading it can move. "Transporting" does not equal "moving". "Transport" is a specific type of movement.

Q. If a defending unit gets a DD and then a D in the same turn, is it eliminated?

A. No. Just dispersed.

Q. Can two carriers unload on the same hex?

A. Yes.

Q. In situation No. 9, the 1st edition scenario card calls for 4 Russian 120mm. Is this correct?

A. No. They should have three.

Q. In Situation No. 12, the scenario card calls for 6 German wagons but there are only four provided.

A. Use Russian wagons for the other two.

Q. Can CAT be used against units that are on a minefield?

A. Yes.

Q. Can you explain spotting more?

A. There are four things to keep in mind. First, since firing occurs prior to movement, a spotting unit must be in place at the beginning of a turn. It cannot move into position and spot for firing in the same turn. Second, even after a unit is spotted, the firing unit must still have a clear line-of-fire to the target(unless the optional indirect fire rule is being used). Third, if the spotting unit moves away, fire may no longer be directed at units that were previously spotted. Fourth, if you are using the Indirect Fire rule, the CP must be able to see the spotting unit.

Q. If armor is carrying units which are attacked and dispersed, what happens?

A. Passengers must unload (and are eliminated if overstacked).

Q. In situation No. 8, it states that CPs may only spot for 120mm mortars (within 4 hexes). Does this refer to the enemy within 4 hexes of the 120mm mortars?

A. The CPs must be within 4 hexes of the 120's to spot.

Q. Can overrun attacks be conducted on a unit on a stream ford?

A. Yes. A stream ford is considered a plain hex.

Q. The CRT shows results for die-roll subtraction to -2; but it is possible to have a -3 subtraction. What happens?

A. For attacks at 1-4 and 1-3; when a -3 is rolled take the results from the -2 line of the next higher odds column. Therefore, -3 at 1-4 odds = DD; -3 at 1-3 odds = X.

Q. If I had a unit on a slope hex directly behind a brown hexside, is my unit in the LOS of a unit firing from a hilltop (assuming no other obstacles)?

A. Yes. Brown hexsides block LOS only when the target unit is on ground level (see TET).

Q. Can the German unload three units in the same hex?

A. Yes. If the transporting units all have extra MF. However, he can never load those units again (Transporting …B) unless have a movement capability and can move to other hexes.

Q. Must a CP unload to observe?

A. Yes.

Q. In situation 12, Wespe and Hummel units cannot move. Can they be transported by trucks?

A. Yes, In this case those units represent towed divisional artillery.

Q. May units being transported by tanks be CAT'ed without involving the tank?

A. No. Rules state that all units in a stack must be totalled for defense in CAT. Therefore, infantry while being transported is ignored.

Q. Which board are the half hexes considered to be part of?

A. As a rule of thumb, consider the half squares to be part of the middle board, but keep in mind that they are not considered in determining victory conditions.

Q. Are units outside of a fort totalled in with the fort's defense in the cases of CAT and combination attacks?

A. Yes.

Q. Does a unit move at the normal road movement rate even on a road that goes up a slope?

A. Yes.

Q. Can a truck, wagon or halftrack drop infantry for a CAT attack, and then retreat?

A. Vehicles may unload units and move off but a passenger unit may not fire in the turn of unloading.

Q. While dismantling mines, do engineers undergo the mine attack?

A. Not as long as they observe the proper procedure for dismantling mines. If they attempt to cross them in the normal manner they are subject to attack just like any other unit.

Q. May engineers make a mine removal attempt and attack in the same turn?

A. No.

Q. Are mines placed in towns subject to the "add 1 to attacker's die roll" rule of the TEC? A. No.

Q. Are units outside of a fort destroyed if the fort is eliminated?

A. No.

Q. Assume three AT guns with an attack factor of 7 each are firing at an infantry unit. Is the total attack factor 3 +3 +3 = 9 or 3.5 + 3.5 + 3.5 = 10?

A. 9. Unit attack factors are halved and fractions dropped individually.

Q. May a unit fire through a green hexside through the width of a road in that hex?

A. No - unless the units are adjacent.

Q. Since armored units cannot use the road movement rate while executing an overrun attack, can they still use the road to go through obstacles such as green hexsides while still moving at the non-road movement rate?

A. No.

Q. The rules state that ford hexes are treated as plain terrain for ALL purposes. Therefore does a unit moving along a gully have to pay 3 MF to leave the gully in addition to moving into the ford hex?

A. No. The rules state that fords allow a unit to leave a gully at no extra cost.

Q. What is the stacking limit for fortifications?

A. 3 for Germans; 2 for Russians.

Q. The rules state that stacking limits do not apply during movement - only before and after movement. Therefore, may units pass through a hex already occupied to its maximum stacking ability by wrecks?

A. Yes, except as qualified by road movement rules.

Q. Do terrain qualifications affect odds or die rolls in a CA attack?

A. Yes.

Q. In situation 7, is the Russian player free to move his other units as soon as the lead unit comes within 3 hexes of the Germans?

A. Yes, but following Russian units must have moved up the road in convoy fashion up to that point in the time span of the turn.

Q. Do units which move onto mines in woods or town hexes still add 1 to the minefield attack?

A. No