Situation #6: German (im)mobile defense west of Dnieper Bend

May 18, 2014

This scenario has at least two official variants, one of which has mines and blocks, and one without mines and blocks. This scenario did not specify mines and blocks.

Turn 1

Germans set up after Russians, but move first, which makes no sense. Does burn the clock though.

Russians move west inroad march order, choosing to cross the pass between 104 and 126.

Turn 2

German jgpz iv out of position to fire, blunder. Moved the jgpz and a couple of panzers forward.

Russians forward to pressure German positions.

Turn 3

Germans take a couple of shots, gain a t-34 dispersal, some repositioning.

Russians are barely even slowed down by the Germans.

Turn 4

Germans knock out a T-34, will cost the jgpz. Bummer.

The Russians are like a tidal wave, but now have to break up ahainst the "shore" of Hill 132. Going to lose some units here.

Turn 5

Germans now have targets! But too many to matter.

Russians now get to wale on the Germans. Picked off the command post, panzer.

Turn 6

The top of turn 6 is where I figure out I forgot 8 halftracks. Mobile defense indeed.

In an attempt to salvage as much of the game as possible, I added the halftracks onto Bednost with the field guns mounted and available to move this turn.

Russians can advance fast across Bednost, but still have a load of units up around Golod, which will need to move ths turn.

Turn 7

German guns holed up in Grabyosh. Russians will have to crack Grabyosh most likely.

Russians now have to move fast.

Turn 8

More of the same, Russians pushing west, Germans attempting to maintain firing positions.

Turn 9

Tired of writing. Germans are having good blocking roads, bad luck getting dispersed on 1:2 odds.

Turn 10

Germans still trying to clog up movement. Not much left to do, and not many units to do it with.

Let's see what the Russians can make happen with a last minute rush to the west: 30 units total on Board 3, decisive victory to the Russians.


Did not use artillery effectively.


Germans did not put a field gun on the road in Bednost, hence, Russians can roll right through. (This would be mitigated by having the halftracks specified by the OOB, see below.)

Russian blunder allowing a wreck on the approach road up Hill 132, which slows down movement. This was a T-34 attempting to take out the German CP, and got wrecked instead forcing traffic off road and incurring slope movement penalties.

Huge: Germans did not have half tracks, forgot, immobile!