Situation #1 Fortified command post

Several games spanning the period between November 25, 2013 and December 3, 2013.

Don't mess with my acht acht

Original rules.

Maybe use Vassal for screenshots.

Do a turn by turn sequence. This can be scripted up front.

Turn 1


Russians come in on 2-A-3 road hex. German is in fortified command post resulting in a huge Russian pileup at the end up the ridge containg Hill 129.


Turn 4

Slope to hilltop full strength if adjacent hexes.

Cavalry may only move 1 hex for a close assault.


Situation #1 provides opportunity for micro-scenarios involving any of the three command posts, but especially that situated on Hill 129.

Mine and block placement

I've been placing mines and blocks on the approaches, but they may serve better surrounding command posts. The Russians can bypass the approaches at the cost of a turn or two of movement, but have to deal with mines and block around the command posts the whole game, probably making it even harder to win.


When the Germans are dug in really well, it's very hard for the Russians to get more than a marginal victory. One way way to handicap would be to give the Russians one or two more T-34c tanks.

Rounding makes a huge difference in this game. From here on out I'm going to round units individually and sum all fractions before the final rounding. I'm thinking about extending the CRT to handle 3/2 and 2/3 cases, possibly with 2 d6. This will require more paper and pencil work for combat resolution.