LotR 336-8 - To The Lost Realm We Go


Won't be much here as I'm writing the day after. But these were good games and a nice change of pace as you will see. Recapping the previous cycle, The Ringmaker, we struggled mightily from almost the beginning, and were stumped by several quests including To Catch An Orc and The Antlered Crown. Both took multiple sessions to beat. It was a bit tiring.

Kicking off after a several week break…

Intruders in Chetwood

As usual with new quests, we rolled into this one blind expected to get our asses kicked. As mentioned that has been our usual experience lately. However, we found the FFG rating of "4" matched our experience, blowing through the quest in 6 or 7 turns. A welcome win!

Since that went so well, we jumped into the…

The Weather Hills

Flush with a first play win, we roll right into The Weather Hills intent on exploiting as much of our lucky streak as the cards will allow.

We didn't get a first play win with this quest as we botched up the rules and did a reset on round 3 or 4. We were too deep to easily retcon the current state.

The second time through we managed to get all the rules correct for the scenario, and worked out a win in 8 or 9 turns. Not quite a first play win, but maybe a first correct play win.

What is notable about these games is that neither of our decks really worked as designed. My Vilya deck never really got going, and Josh's Galadriel deck started really slow. These were fairly easy quests, and to be sure, we did get lucky on Encounter card draw all day long. It could have gone much, much worse, as evidenced by previous games.

In all a great start to Angmar Awakended.
