Panzer North Africa 2: Duel at Sidi Azeiz


Not content with our initial play of Panzer North Africe 3 weeks ago (at this writing), we embark on a venture to make all new and ridiculous mistakes. The scenario, per title, models a few companies in a meeting engagement just inside the Libyan border a bit west of Bardiya. We've been here before at an operational scale with The Dark Valley Operation Compass scenario.

This game I took the Germans and AS the Commonwealth. The idea is each force enters opposite map edges, and must make their way to the opposing forces map edge, the Commonwealth entry hex in the Axis' case.

As is usual for both of us, particularly when learning a new set of rules, and especially when panzers (or tanks in general) are involved is just drive head on into each other, so we did.

And we managed to botch up all kinds of rules, from the initiative system, to armor penetration, movement, command, you name it we screwed it up. We even managed to get a few of the wrongi tanks on the field: the Germans found themselves with the Panzer IVF2, which has the 75mm long barrel and is just murder… but not actually in this order of battle. :(

We did not get an image of the end result.

We do intend to play it more. It's such a good game, there is just a lot to it, and we haven't put in the hours to really appreciate it.
