LotR 242 - The Battle of Lake Town (5)


The Battle of Lake-Town remains one of the tougher quests in the entire game, even after 11 years. Playing progression style let's me relive what the original players experienced.

From previous losses, some lessons learned:

  • Don't give up too soon. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it can't be won.
  • Exploit Elrond's ability to pay for any sphere allies.
  • Use Hasty Stroke when faced with an immediate loss.

Initial hand:

  1. Light of Valinor
  2. Snowbourn Scout
  3. A Test of Will
  4. Light of Valinor
  5. Gleowine
  6. Gandalf

Encounter: Great House, which is 6 Threat and resolves Burn Damage. By the Grim Rule, I'm going to count it's Burn value of 3 as well.

Round 1

Because I have A Test of Will in hand, I'm going to keep the Spirit resource available for spending.

  1. Resource: 3, draw Snowbourn Scout.
  2. Planning: Snowbourn Scout.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Theodred, Elrond for 8 Will. Draw Smaug the Mighty. Draw South Pier for 14 total, net +6 Threat, toss the extra Light of Valinor to Eowyn for +5 for Threat 35.
  4. Travel: South Pier.
  5. Encounter: none.
  6. Combat: none.
  7. Refresh: Threat 36.

Survived Round 1, not bad. Can I survive Round 2?

Round 2

  1. Resource: 6, draw Vilya.
  2. Planning: play Vilya, Light of Valinor on Elrond. Play Gleowine and draw Stand and Fight. Play Snowbourn Scout. This leaves me with one resource for A Test of Will if necessary.
  3. Quest: Elrond, Eowyn, Theodred for 8. Engage Smaug the Terrible defending with Snowbourn Scout with 5 Burn damage, shadow Scorching Blast to add 5 more Burn. Draw Scorching Blast for 5 more Burn, could cancel but I think I have room for it. Net +2 Progress.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Smaug.
  6. Combat: Snowbourn Scout defends, shadow Esgaroth Wharf for +2 and an additional attack. Let's exhaust Elrond/Vilya and what turns up: Sneak Attack, which I'd like to use with Gandalf as a defender but I don't have any Leadership resources. I do have a Stand and Fight, I'll bring back a Snowbourn Scout. This would otherwise be a loss. Shadow North Pier for no effect. Snowbourn's progress goes on South Pier which clears it.
  7. Refresh: Threat 37.

Round 3

This is as far as I've gotten on this quest so far.

  1. Resource: 4, draw Gleowine.
  2. Planning: Gleowine draws Snowbourn Scout, which goes into play.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Theodred, Elrond for 8 Will. Engage Smaug the Magnifent, Snowbourn Scout defends, excess damage is 7 hits to Lake-Town. Draw Close to the Flame which deals one hit to each character in play. Net +2 Progress.
  4. Travel: Great House.
  5. Encounter: Smaug.
  6. Combat: Stand and Fight to bring in Snowbourn Scout, shadow Esgaroth Wharf for +1 and an additional attack after adding +6 Burn to Lake Town.

And that's the game.

Whoops, let's see what Elrond turns up: A Test of Will which is not useful, bottom of deck with it.

Basically, I need to be able to chump 3 allies per turn to keep Smaug out of staging.

For this game, having Great House as the initial reveal really hurt, 6 Threat is really a lot given Smaug's high threat.

Given my goal was to simply get through the first round, I'm pretty happy how this game turned out.
