Entanglion 3
A third game. I'm now as interested in the 2-qubit system as I am in the game, and the game is helping me learn it. I might even put some math in one of these game plays. We'll see, that's a fair bit of work.
- Red: first player, Centarious 0, H, H, CNOT.
- Blue: Centarious 0, X, CNOT, CNOT.
The setup is in a configuration allowing easy access to Quantum Programming and Quantum Error Correction.
Red plays H moves to Superious Plus, draws CNOT.
Blue plays CNOT, move to Phi Plus, roll 4 to pass defense, draw H.
Red retrieves roll 2 to acquire Quantum Programming.
Blue plays H moves to Omega Two, roll 4 passing defense, draw CNOT.
Red retrieves roll 7 to acquire Quantum Error Correction.
Blue exchanges CNOT for X.
Red plays H moves to Phi Plus bypassing Orbital Defense with Quantum Programming. Draw SWAP.
Blue plays X moves to Psi Plus roll 6 to pass defense, draw H.
Red retrieves roll 2 and acquire Physical Cubits.
Blue plays CNOT move to One and Plus. Engine time: draw Bennet Quantum Event, and SWAP.
Round 2
Red exchanges SWAP for H.
Blue plays H moves to Superious Minus, draw H.
Red plays H moves to Centarious Zero draw X.
Blue plays Bennet to acquire Quantum Error Correction.
Red plays X moves to Centarious One, draw SWAP.
Blue plays CNOT moves to Psi Minus, roll 3 to pass defense. Draw X.
Red retrieves roll 5 to acquire Qubit Interconnect.
Blue plays H move to Omega One, roll 2 passing defense draw H.
Red retrieves roll 3 passing to acquire Magnetic Shielding.
Blue plays X moves to Omega Three, roll 6 passing defense, draw CNOT and draw Spooky Action! Dang! The game just got harder! Quantum Error Correction gets moved to Phi Plus.
Round 3
Red does an engine swap with Qubit Interconnect, SWAP for Blue X. Retreives roll 7 acquiring Dilution Refrigeration.
Blue plays SWAP moves to Omege Zero, defense roll 5, pass, draw H.
Red retrieves roll 4 acquiring Control Infrastructure.
Blue plays H move to Phi Minus, roll defense 4, draw X.
Red retrieves roll 3 to acquire Quantum Gates.
Blue plays CNOT moves to Blue to Minus and Red to Centarious Zero, draw CNOT.
Red exchanges X for Probe, roll 8 for no effect. Shuffle and draw H.
Blue plays H to move to Centarious One, draw X.
Red plays H to move to Superious Plus, draw CNOT.
Blue plays X to move to Centarious Zero, engine cycle, draw Heisenberg, draw H.
Round 4
Red plays CNOT moves to Phi Plus, roll 8 passing defense.
Blue retrieves roll 7 and that's the game.
\[X = \left[\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]\]
In three games, the first and third were easy, but the second kicked me really hard with a runaway detection rate. I'm not quite sure what to think about that.
Also, I notice that once in the Entanglion system, one ship tends to travel, the other tends to retrieve. In this game, Red had 7 devices, and blue only 1. Not sure what to think about that either.