Entanglion 4


Let's see what a fourth game brings. More math to be sure. I've been reading associated pages on Wikipedia to better understand what's transpiring. As I continue to play the game, I hope to add a bit of relevant math here and there. For example, here is the controlled NOT gate:

\[\text{CNOT} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]


  • Blue: Start at Centarious One, Engines H, X, CNOT. First player.
  • Red: Start at Centarious One, Engines H, X, CNOT.

The board state has Magnetic Shielding and Quantum Error Correction off of the CNOT routes, will need to plan carefully. Strategy: go for Quantum Programming and Magnetic Sheilding first.

  1. Blue plays X moves to Zero, draws X.

  2. Red plays X moves to Zero draws SWAP.

  3. Blue plays H moves to Plus draws CNOT.

  4. Red plays CNOT moves to Phi Plus (\(|\Phi^+\rangle\)), roll 3 passing defense draw H.

  5. Blue retrieves roll 3 to acquire Quantum Programming.

  6. Red plays H move to Omega Two roll 1 failing defense, detection rate now 2. Both ships jump to Centarious Zero. Draw QE Heisenberg.

  7. Blue exchanges CNOT for CNOT.

  8. Red plays H moving to Superious Plus, draw QE Quantum Tunnel. Draw X.

Round 2

  1. Blue plays CNOT to move to Phi Plus, bypassing orbital defenses with Quantum Programming. Draw H.

  2. Red plays X moves to Psi Plus, bypass defense with Quantum Tunnel, draw H.

  3. Blue retrieves roll 2 for failure, advance Detection Rate.

  4. Red retrievs roll 6 to acquire Qubit Interconnect.

  5. Blues plays X moves to Phi Plus, no orbital defense roll necessary due to Quantum Programming. Draw H.

  6. Red plays H moves to Omega 2, draw CNOT, roll 5 passing defense.

  7. Blue retrieves, roll 4 to acquire Magnetic Shielding.

  8. Red plays CNOT moves to Omega 3, roll 7 passing defense draw H.

  9. Blue retrieves roll 1, fail! But, Blue has Magnetic Sheilding, so reroll 8, acquiring Quantum Gates.

  10. Red plays SWAP moves to Omega Zero, defense roll 5, draw CNOT. raw QE card Bit Flip Error. Uh oh, this is a problem!

  11. Blue retrieves roll 1, roll 4 for a fail, detection rate advances.

  12. Red retrieves roll 1, advance detection rate to 5.

  13. Blue retrieves roll 2, roll 7 acquire Dilution Refridgeration.

  14. Red play Heisenberg, roll 8 for no effect.

  15. Blue plays H moves to Phi Minus, roll 2, roll 1, detection rate advances. Not looking good. Move to One, draw Bennet.

  16. Red plays H moves to Superious Minus, draw H.

  17. Blue plays CNOT moves to Psi Minus, roll 4, roll 6 passing defense. Draw SWAP.

  18. Red retrieves roll 1, detection rate now 6.

  19. Blue retrieves roll 7 to acquire Physical Qubits.

  20. Red plays H moves to Omega One, roll 2 advance Detection Rate to 7, move to 1, draw X.

  21. Blue plays H moves to Superious Minus, draw SWAP.

  22. Red exchanges CNOT for Probe, draw QE Wave Funtion Collapse which reduces the detection rate by 2. Back in the game. Draw H.

  23. Blue plays Bennet to give Red Magnetic Sheilding.

  24. Red plays CNOT moves to Psi Minus roll 5, roll 1, detected move to Centarious Zero. Draw SWAP.

  25. Blue exchanges SWAP for H.

  26. Red plays X moves to Centarious One. Draw H. Draw QE Quantum Shuffle.

  27. Blue plays SWAP to switch to One from Zero, Red vice versa. Draw X.

  28. Red exchanges H for H.

  29. Blue plays H moves to Superious Minus, draw H.

  30. Red plays SWAP, draws CNOT.

  31. Blue exchanges H for CNOT.

  32. Red plays CNOT moves to Phi Minus, roll 4, roll 6 passing defense. Draw CNOT.

  33. Blue retrieves roll 7 to acquire Control Infrastructure. This was ill-advised, should have gone after QEC first.

  34. Red exchanges H for X.

  35. Blue plays X moves to Psi Minus, no defense roll needed.

  36. Red plays H moves to Omega One roll 3, roll 5, detection rate now 6. Both move to zero. Draw QE The Mechanic. Draw Probe, draw QE Spooky Action, roll 4 Magnetic Shielding to Omega Three. Bummer. Draw CNOT.

  37. Blue exchanges CNOT for X.

  38. Red plays CNOT moves to One. Draw X.

  39. Blue plays CNOT moves to One. Draw X.

  40. Red exchange X for H.

  41. Blue exchange X for Probe draw Heisenberg, draw H.

  42. Red plays H moves to Minus. Draw H.

  43. Blue exchanges H for CNOT.

  44. Red plays The Mechanic, draws H, H, SWAP, pays H and H for no net effect.

  45. Blue plays CNOT moves to Psi Minus, no defense roll needed. Draw SWAP.

  46. Red plays H moves to Omega One roll 7 passing defense, draw CNOT.

  47. Blue retrieves roll 2, fail.

  48. Red retrives roll 5, roll 8 acquiring Quantum Error Correction.

  49. Blue plays X moves to Omega Three roll 6, fail defense move to One, draw QE Wave Function Collapse reduce detection rate to 5.

  50. Red plays H moves to Minus draws SWAP.

  51. Blue plays X moves to Zero, draws CNOT.

  52. Red exchanges CNOT for H.

  53. Blue plays CNOT moves to Phi Minus, no defense.

  54. Red plays H moves to Omega Three roll 8, pass defense, draw H.

  55. Blue retrieves roll 1, fail, detection rate now 6.

  56. Red retrieves roll 3, roll 8 for the win.



As usual, one ship collected most of the Quantums, in this case the blue ship.

I think there is more strategy here than meets the eye. For example, Heisenberg gets to a site and skips orbital defenses. That could be really handy. Half the sites disentangle, so it could be a way to cheaply get ships into Entanglion with a good chance of extracting them if necessary.

I haven't played all the event cards yet, and I suspect there could be more interesting interactions there as well.
