Silver Bayonet: Tea Time, Scenario 6A


Scenario 6A is a single turn scenario to illustrate how assault combat works. It's just a few VC units going up against a headquarters and artillery unit. Sadly the artillery is 155 and can't depress into the close range of the attacking units.

On with the gameā€¦

Turn 1

PAVN goes first. There's nothing to do until Combat Declaration Phase.

Combat Declaration Phase

Four stacking points wil attack the FWA HQ and artillery unit in the tea plantation. This will be the larger H-15 main force companies.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]

1) Declare Bombardment using air points or artillery.

VC use mortar section to bombard with 2 points.

2) Declare and resolve ADF [14.0].

Nothing here, VC have no air.

3) Resolve Bombardment.

Mortar section rolls 8, no effect.

Combat Reaction Phase

No reaction, FWA needs to occupy hex.

Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

VC doesn't have an HQ in range, rolls 5, uncoordinated attack. This means Assault Combat for defender (FWA) gets -1 DRM, VC attacker gets +1 DRM on all assault rolls and efficiency checks.

Maneuver Combat Phase

Nothing for this turn.

Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]. Attacker rolls for ADF if applicable.

VC has 11 steps and mortar unit, rolls 3 - 1 for a hit. On the hit table, roll 4 for -1 result.

FWA is going to use all 9 Air points on defensive bombardment. Roll 3 for 3F, which is 1 step loss for attacker as TDV is always 2 against attacker in Defensive Bombardment. The F result only matters for Offensive Bombardment.

2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

FWA rolls 2 - 1 for 1 which is another step loss for VC.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

VC rolls 6 + 1 for no effect.

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

VC fails efficiency check with roll of 9, FWA rolls 7 - 1 for 6 which passes efficiency check.

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

FWA rolls 2 - 1 for 1, VC takes another step loss. Bummer for them.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

FWA Turn 1

The FWA doesn't have anything to do, as it has used all its Air Points, it has no offensive strength, and must remain in the hex (tea plantation) to fullfil victory conditions. In this case, the FWA wins.


I like the combat resolution. It's a little bit complicated, but makes sense in the context of Vietnam. It's a little bit easier than combat resolution for GBoH, feels about par with OCS.

It would be smart to play this scenario a few times to get a really good grip on the combat system.
