Silver Bayonet 25th Anniversary Edition


Note: This game was finished and logged on Nov. 25, 2016.

Once again, I start learning a new game while I have another new game already set up and running (DAK2).

I have Scenario #3 set up to get started into the rules for this bad boy. And it is a bad boy to be sure: it's looking a bit more complex than I thought it would be. That's ok, will just need to make sure I budget the time for it correctly.

I'm also following along with the play through on the GMT blog.

Turn 1

First up is the night ambush by FWA, this is a roll of 7 with DRM -2 for 5, on the 2-3 Assault table, which is No Effect.

PAVN A/8/66 moves to Hex 1119, along with the reinforcing B/8/66 which advance into 2019 as it's not subject to ZOC restraints.

PAVN assaults, rolls 2 for ER, achieves Attacker Coordination, no DRM for either side on this result.

FWA rolls 2 on the 2-3 column, PAVN loses a step.

PAVN rolls 6, NE.

Efficiency checks, both pass, another round of assault. FWA rolls 1, another step loss for PAVN. PANV rolls 7, too bad so sad.

Since Assault Combat is the last part of the turn sequence in any phase, we move on to the turn interphase sequence, for which there isn't anything to do for this small scenario.

Turn 2

Moving on, the FWA places it's reinforcement into the LZ Mary hex. Since LZ Mary is hot, need to roll on for Fatigue on entry: roll 10 > 6. See also Hot Landing Zones and Efficiency Checks 2.4.5.

There is no point in moving. The FWA decides to implement manuever combat against the PAVN in hex 1219. After declaring combat, bombardment phase follows, and the FWA have 9 Air Points. The PAVN gets to respond with Air Defense Fire (ADF), which is resolved before bombardment is resolved. However, given the FWA bombards with 3, and the PAVN only has 1 step in the hex, there is not ADF. Bombardment proceeds with roll 1 which is 3F for TDV of 3, which is a step loss, hence unit is eliminated.

For manuever combat we have 4 attacking 2 defending for raw 2:1. We have to make an Efficiency Check against the lowest ER as this is a combined attack with both US and ARVN units attacking. The lowest ER is 6, roll 6 <= 6, pass, hence coordinated attack. PAVN rolls 9 > 4, fails EC. Looks like FWA gets no column shift on ER (6 - 4 = 2), PAVN gets +2 DRM for TDV. Attacker roll 6 + 2 for 8 yielding AF1, which is attacker fatigues 1 unit, which is chosen to be the ARVN unit.

PAVN's turn, now brings in remaining two units, one of which is a mortar unit, and declares Assault on LZ Mary. First thing is mortar bombardment, roll 10 no effect. Now for defensive bombardment from FWA. The playthrough I'm following states the PAVN has 7 steps and can conduct ADF, but in the images I only see 3.5 steps, so I really don't know what they mean by that. In any case, I'm sure that PAVN doesn't have enough steps in my game to have ADF, so defensive bombardment proceeds with 6 Air Points, roll 6 for 2 on TDV 2, which is one step loss. PAVN coordination, roll 8 > 4, uncoordinated. FWA rolls on Assault table with 5 + 2 (more than 50% Fatigued) for 7 on the 8 column which is a -, no effect. PAVN rolls 1 + 1 (uncoordinated) for a guaranteed defender step loss, which is taken out of the CIDG unit.

Round 2: FWA passes EC, PAVN fails, FWA rolls 7 another no effect on the Assault Table.

Victory to FWA with 4 PAVN step losses and occupying LZ Mary, to PAVN 0. They were super lame this game.

I need to set this up again and play through it a couple more times with rules in hand.
