Silver Bayonet: Tea Times 2


Here's another crack at the Tea Plantation, this time giving the VC two turns to crack the defense.

For this really small scenario, with the PAVN going first, there isn't anything to do until Combat Declaration, so we'll start there.

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

VC units A,B,C,D/H-15 attacking FWA HQ hex in the tea plantation.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]

1) Declare Bombardment using air points or artillery.

VC declare mortar attack on HQ hex.

2) Declare and resolve ADF [14.0].

Nothing to do here for defenders.

3) Resolve Bombardment.

VC roll 9, no effect.

Combat Reaction Phase

No reaction for FWA in this scenario.

Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

VC roll 2, get coordinated attack.

Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]

Nothing to do here.

Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]

FWA goes all in with 10 Air Points. VC resolves ADF with roll 3 - 1 which is a hit, roll 5 no effect. FWA rolls 3 on bombardment, 1 step loss for VC.

2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

FWA rolls 9 on assault, no effect.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

VC rolls 4 - 1 (3 attacking hexes) + 2 maybe for Terrain Effects, which isn't clear from the rules. This leaves either 3 or 5 as a result, with 3 as two step losses and 5 as 1 step loss for FWA. Let's play it out with 1 step loss.

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

  • VC roll 4 for EC, which is a pass.
  • FWA rolls 5, also a pass.

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

Round 2, simultaneous assault:

  • VC roll 3 - 1 + 2 for 4 which is 1, bad news for FWA.
  • FWA rolls 5 for no effect.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

Not yet.

FWA doesn't have anything to do, so turn advances.

Turn 2

PAVN steps up a again.

Combat Declaration Phase [6.1]

1) Declare all assault and maneuver combat by placing markers.

VC assaults with A,B,C,D/H-15.

Offensive Bombardment Phase [10.1]

1) Declare Bombardment using air points or artillery.

VC bombards HQ with mortar.

2) Declare and resolve ADF [14.0].

Nothing here.

3) Resolve Bombardment.

VC roll 4 no effect.

Combat Reaction Phase

Nothing here.

Combat Coordination Phase

1) Attack Coordination [7.0] which may negate declared Maneuver Combat declarations [8.0]

VC rolls 9, no coordination for this assault.

Maneuver Combat Phase [8.3]

Nothing here.

Assault Combat Phase [9.0]

1) Defender allocates and resolves air and/or artillery for Defensive Bombardment [10.2]

FWA goes all in with 10 Air points. ADF roll 5, no hit. FWA roll 2 for 4F, which is 2 step loss for VC.

2) Defender rolls first on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and applies results immediately.

FWA rolls 5 for no effect.

3) Attacker rolls on Assault Combat Table, applies DRMs and results.

VC rolls 9 for no effect.

4) If units on both sides remain, both sides roll against highest ER in their stack for Efficiency Check. A roll less than or equal to the ER passes the Efficiency Check.

  • VC rolls 6, no second round.
  • FWA rolls 7, no second round.

5) Units passing their Efficiency Check may roll again on the Assault Combat Table. This roll is simultaneous, results are not applied until both sides (if possible) have rolled.

6) If Defender is eliminated, Assaulting units must advance.

Second Player Turn

Nothing for FWA to do, and they win by dint of remaining HQ unit in the tea plantation. Those air strikes really helped.

Game Record Phase

FWA win.


Once again, the FWA win. I think it would be pretty hard for VC to win this scenario, given the amount of air power available to the FWA. Perhaps one modification would be to roll for air points with the d10 at the beginning of the turn. That could really shake things up!
