Masher/White Wing from VG's Vietnam


Played through the 2-turn scenario of Masher/White Wing from Victory Game's Vietnam 1965-1975. This was an eye opener. I have a much better notion of how to play, with respect to rules, tactics and strategy.

I played against JS, but we really played both sides together so that we could get a better handle on the rules. It had been 20 years since he had last played it, and that was when he was first starting in wargames.

For this scenario, we figured out that out strategy of taking the fight to the VC in Turn 1 didn't work. It would have been better to let the VC come to us on Turn 1, so that they exposed themselves.

A few more lessons:

  • Don't extend the playing area into Quang Ngai! We did this accidentally and it cost us use of some ARVN, which would have been really helpful as losing ARVN doesn't gain VP for NLF.

  • Do not leave towns ungarrisoned. These are easy VPs for NLF.

  • Ensure there is at least some artillery on all attacks against VC. This reduces US casualties, hence VC victory points.

  • Go after the heavy NVA regiments instead of chasing VC. The NVA regiments are worth 4 VP to the US player, and they're exposed on the map.

I'm sure there's more, this is enough for now.
