'Nam Diary microgame


'Nam Diary is a tiny game on 5x8 map with a few counters on each side, US and NVA. The mechanics are very simple, as one might expect from the size: players alternate either moving or firing units located in a single hex. While the US player goes first, the initiative can change to have the NVA player first, then again switch back to US player. This means in game play turns, each side has the possibility of multiple moves and fires in a single turn.

The initiative check after each very short turn builds in a fair bit of randomness into the game play. Victory conditions are also determined randomly via chit pull (1-6). From just reading the rules, it feels like there is a quite a bit of replay value in this game. It might be something I could play in the evenings on my way home from work once in a while.

So let's get started with drawing the victory conditions:

  • The US pulls a 6, which means it needs to render 2/3 NVA KIA. For 11 NVA this mean 8. So, stand and fight.

  • The NVA draw a 5, which is KIA 2/3 of the US forces, i.e., 5 US KIA. Again, stand and fight.

Normally, these victory conditions would be hidden from the other player, but that's not really possible in this first solo game.

The turn sequence is very simple:

  1. US moves or fires.
  2. NVA moves or fires.
  3. Roll for initiative.

Let's get started, and see how it plays out.

Turn 1

Here's a snapshot of a first US turn:

Getting started with 'Nam Diary

Right away we can see that the NVA set up within range of US, that's a blunder. Much better to have forced the US to move first, which would put them in range to be fired on.

That's Grunt on the table in the background, it's next up on my to-play list.

The NVA just make a move, but into range to be fired on.

Initiative roll 3 for no US or NVA units are unpinned, in other words no effect.

Turn 2

US moves a stack towards pinned NVA from Turn 1.

NVA fires on US stack which just moved, miss.

Initiative roll 1, NVA player goes again, chooses to fire on Bennet, roll 5 hit, roll 6 KIA.

Turn 3

US fires on NVA 9, which is pinned, roll 4 hits, roll 1 pinned.

NVA moves.

Initiative roll 1, NVA moves again.

Turn 4

US (Johnson and McKay) fire again on pinned NVA 9, roll 5/3, still pinned. These guys could consider moving since they won't be taking fire from NVA 9.

NVA continues to close. It's going to start getting bloody in a couple of turns.

Initiative roll 1 (this is getting boring), NVA moves again, continues to close up.

Turn 5

Oops, blunder, range is 3, with a -1 DRM at range 3. That's good enough.

US starts to unstack.

NVA 4 chooses to fire, will need a 6 to hit, roll 3/6, miss.

Initiative roll 2 all units unpinned, turn sequence reversed.

Turn 6

NVA 9 fires on Johnson and McKay, roll 6/2, both pinned.

US (Williams) fires on NVA 3, roll 4/1 pinned.

Initiative roll 3 no effect.

Turn 7

NVA moves toward McKay and Johson.

US (Henry and Bailey) fire on NVA, both need 6 to hit at range 3, but have uncovered another fake. Bailey roll 2/3 miss, Henry roll 1/1 miss.

Initiative roll 4 all units are unpinned, US goes again. Williams fires on NVA 3, needs 4 to hit, roll 1/5. US is not rolling well this game.

Turn 8

NVA 2 fires on McKay and Johnson. Watch these guys get boxcars or something…roll 4/2 miss.

McKay and Johnson return fire on NVA 2, and this is where I made a blunder before, only making one fire out of hex with two soldiers. McKay rolls 4/4, pinned, Johnson rolls 4/2 no effect.

Initiative roll 2, all units unpinned, turn sequence reversed.

Here's the situation:

End of Turn 8

So far, lots of pins and misses, but as everyone closes, will get a lot bloodier.

Turn 9

US is back to going first in the turn, which is like having a double turn sort of. McKay and Johnson both fire on NVA 9. McKay rolls 4/6, KIA.

NVA 3 fires on Willams, rolls 4/3, pinned.

Initiative roll 3 no effect.

Turn 10

US Johnson and McKay fire on NVA 2, McKay rolls 2/4, Johnson rolls 6/1, pinned.

NVA moves.

Initiative roll 3 no effect.

Turn 11

Harwood fires on NVA 11 & 13, roll 2/1, miss.

NVA 11 & 13 fire on Harwood, roll 3/2, 3/5, miss.

Initiative roll 3 no effect. Dang.

Turn 12

Harwood fires again…roll 5/5 KIA on NVA 11 and 13.

NVA 3 fires on Williams rolls 5/5 KIA.

Initiative roll 3 no effect.

Turn 13

McKay and Johnson fire on NVA 7, roll 2/5, 4/1, remains pinned.

NVA moves.

Initiative roll 6, unpin NVA, US goes again, McKay and Johnson fire again: McKay rolls 4/6, KIA for NVA 7.

Turn 14

Henry and Bailey fire on NVA 3 & 6, roll 2/2, 4/6 KIA.

Blunder here all units must roll individually for casualty, a KIA or a Pin affects only one unit. This would could put 3 NVA back on the board…roll 1, 3 and 6 puts one back on the board, which is going to stack with another unit to increase fire on next US target.

NVA 2 & 5 fire on Henry and Bailey, roll 2/4 miss, roll 1/6 miss.

Initiative roll 5 US units with leader unpinned, all NVA unpinned.

Turn 15

Bailey and Henry fire on NVA 2 & 5, roll 1/5 miss, roll 5/3,1 pin both.

NVA moves.

Initiative roll 6 all NVA unpinned, US goes again, Bailey and Henry fire: Bailey misses, Henry hits with 4, 1,3 on casualty, back to being pinned for these guys.

Turn 16

Harwood fires on NVA 8 & 10, roll 3/1,1 total whiff.

NVA 8 & 10 fire on Harwood, roll 5/1, pinned.

Initiative roll 1 all US unpinned, NVA goes again NVA 8 & 10 fire on Harwood, roll 2/5, roll 4/6 which is a miss, NVA is not as accurate as US. Bummer for them.

Turn 17

Repeat for Harwood, roll 4/4,5 which is a KIA/Pin.

NVA 4 moves on Harwood.

Initiative roll 1 NVA 4 fires on Harwood, need some lucky rolls here…6/4 and Harwood is pinned.

Turn 18

Henry and Bailey fire on NVA 2 & 5, Henry 5/3, no change from Pin, Bailey 2/2, no effect.

NVA 6 fires on Henry and Bailey, a little luck here would be nice, roll 5/4, Henry is pinned, Bailey is pinned.

Initiative roll 3 no effect.

Turn 19

Harwood fires on NVA 4, roll 3/2 no effect.

NVA 3 fires on Harwood, roll 5/6, KIA Harwood. NVA need 2 more KIA for win.

Initiative roll 1, all US unpinned, NVA goes again NVA 3 on McKay and Johnson, roll 4, miss.

Turn 20

Mckay and Johnson on NVA 6, Mckay rolls 3/3 for a miss, Johnson rolls boxcars for KIA.

NVA 2 fires on McKay and Johnson, roll 4/3 miss.

Initiative roll 6 all NVA unpinned, US goes again Henry and Bailey on NVA 2 & 5, Henry rolls 5/6 for 1 KIA, and another 6 for another KIA.

That makes 8 NVA for a US win.

Here's what the end of the game looks like:

Turn 20 and US victory

Overall, a nice hour's diversion.


Given that both sides had KIA for victory conditions turned this more into a dice-driven slugfest than a game where maneuver mattered much. The US definitely got the better rolls. In a two player game where the victory conditions were hidden, I suspect the NVA would have a better chance by attempting to sucker the US into playing differently. Hard to say on the basis of one game, solo.

I've just decided I'm on a long term hunt for a small game or two which can travel, which is hex and counter, which has a very small footprint, which plays in 15-20 minutes, and which is fun. It should not be too small, because that makes it hard to play, and not too big so that it's hard to travel. 'Nam Diary comes pretty close in a lot of ways. I'm definitely going to play it several more times, hopefully with opponents, and see if it fills this hole, even partially.
