Driving for Kiev, again


Once again, I pound my head against the stubborn little game "Objective Kiev." This is supposed to be fairly well-balanced, but I've never come even close to winning this as the Germans. Granted, my last game was full of blunders mostly against the Germans, so maybe this game will go a bit better. After all, it took me 6 games to crack Battle for Moscow.

For easy reference, here's the write up for Objective Kiev Game 4.

This game, I'm going to treat at least the first few turns as a learning game and write a bunch of the phases out with rule citations. It's the only way I know to really get a good grip on any game.

Also, I'm going to put the damn Soviet 4th Mech somewhere in the hinterland. I'll worry about beating that s.o.b. after I have a more statistically common situation figured out.

Turn Sequence

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

German Turn

Outline the German plans for this turn.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Russian Turn

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).


All Soviet units may move (9.0).


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

Turn 1

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

The German plan is to break through as fast as possible, the Soviets to contain the Germans. We'll see how well that works.

German Turn 1

Outline the German plans for this turn.

The main goal is punching through the lines in the west. That's a big deal. If the Germans can't get through the Russian line within a couple of turns, they have pretty well lost the game.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

No replacements yet.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

In the south, reposition to get good odds against mechanized in wooded terrain.

In the north, reposition units to get better odds, making up for any issue at starting placement.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

A bunch, from north to south:

  1. 15:3 on Soviet 15 mechanized corps, 5:1 roll 1 yields DR.
  2. 4:1 against 9th Army, roll 3 EX.
  3. 5:1 against 18 Mech, roll 4 yields DRL.
  4. 2:1 against 12th Army, roll 4 yields EX.
  5. 5:1 against 19th Mech, roll 1 yields DR. No attack in this area from Axis on Turn 1.

This didn't actually go that well. No units were eliminated, and due to the way the map is shaped it even tightened the Russian line. Dang. Low rolls didn't help.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Bring up the Axis units to put pressure on the Russians.

Russian Turn 1

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Since the Russians get a double attack strength for mechanized, the obvious thing is to attack hard on the German front to push them back, slow them down a turn or two.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

48 Pz is going to get nailed, 32:10, 3:1 roll 2 for DR, but through EZOC, so there will be a step loss.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).


Advance the game marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

Overall, the Soviets seemed to be more successful this turn than the Axis, containing and even driving back a panzer division.

Turn 2

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

German Turn 2

Outline the German plans for this turn.

More of Turn 1, the Germans try to break out, the Soviets contain.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

No Axis replacements or reinforcements this turn.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Move into position for breaking the line, not really much movement at all.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. 3:1 roll 3 yield DR.
  2. 5:1 roll 5 yield DE, finally.
  3. 2:1 roll 6, NE.
  4. 12:1 automatic DE for mechanized unit.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Still cannot get through the line, will advance anyway.

Russian Turn 2

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Pummel Germans. Be vaguely aware of getting flanked and cut off from communications. Soviets are going to push the envelope here, and see what happens.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

Definitely flip an Army to full strength. Bring a second army in at Rovno, which can move into combat via rail.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).

Move armies by rail and foot into EZOC for upcoming combat phase. Do not cut the Germans any slack at all.


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

  1. 1:1 on giant panzer stack, 1/3 chance of EX, worth the risk, roll 4 yields NE.
  2. North of Iasi, 2:1 roll 5 NE.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).

Infantry encircles German advance, mechanized units to the east back off so that they aren't trapped.


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

The Germans think they may be able to flank the Soviets and put them out of communication. If they do that, then no Soviet units out of communication can gain replacement steps. The Soviets are doing pretty well, they have the Germans just bottled up. Every time the Soviets get pushed back, they advance right back into combat.

Turn 3

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

The Germans are not going to break through, that much is clear. They may be able to turn the flank on the Soviet line, but the Soviets will be able to fall back to prevent that.

German Turn 3

Outline the German plans for this turn.

There is no breakthrough at this point, so the Germans are going to try and turn the flank on the Soviets.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

Hungarian and Slovenian units enter hex 0710, will anchor the southern flank of German advance.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

This is where the Germans may be able to start cutting off the Soviet units.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. 3:1 roll 1 DR, this Soviet Army will go full strength next turn.
  2. 5:1 roll 2 DRL which is an elimination because all retreats are into German EZOCs.
  3. 6:1 automatic DE on mechanized with no retreat path. This unit should have moved out of the area earlier, but it did delay the German advance from the south by at least 1 turn.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Try and sweep around from the south. It's risky, there are some strong mech units out there.

Russian Turn

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Cut off the German sweep using mechanized units to swoop in, fight, then swoop away from counter attack.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

  • 38th Infantry Corps emplaces at Vinnitsa.
  • 12th flips to full strength.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).

12 and 38 Corps move to engage German flankers, 4 Mech moves to stack with 38 Corps. Other, weak mech corps moving towards Kiev for defense.


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

On the flank north of Chernovsty, 2:1 roll 5 NE, which is containment.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).

Turns out the line is weak in the north, moving units to help shore it up and prevent a German breakthrough.


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

The Soviets are doing really well containing the Germans, having them mostly pushed up against the western edge of the map. The Germans, however, are still very strong, and won't be pushed off the map. So the Soviets need to keep up the pressure.

Turn 4

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

The Germans have got to turn the flank this turn and get the panzers across the map. If the Soviets can hold them for this turn, the number of replacements and reinforcements coming in should halt the German advance from here out.

German Turn 4

Outline the German plans for this turn.

Finally get around the south end of the Russian line. No excuses.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

  • Italians coming in at Iasi, hex 1010.
  • Flip 48 Pz back to full strength.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Swinging around south, and taking on some units in the line which just happen to be a good shot at retreating or eliminating.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. 2:1 roll 2 DR
  2. 5:1 roll 2 DRL
  3. 2:1 roll 5 NE
  4. 4:1, this is the big one, this is the one which the Germans really need to score on, like roll a 6, so, roll 6 for DE, which is what the Germans really need!
  5. 6:1 automatic DE on mech unit.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Time for panzers to swoop, and they're off towards Kiev, blocked by a lowly 2-1-6 mech unit.

Russian Turn 4

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Ruh roh, the Russians stayed in the fight just a little too long, and now have to retract their line asap.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

  • Armies in at Kirovograd and Kiev.
  • 6-3-6 mech in at Uman.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).



All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

No combat this turn, need to reposition and can't afford the potential losses.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).

The Soviets are in a heap o' trouble. They don't have enough units on the map to control any territory. It's all a big free for all now. In any case, they're trying to establish a line running from the northwest to the southeast, hopefully enclosing Kiev and staying in communication.


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

This was a big turn. The Panzers are loose, and the defense has collapsed.

Turn 5

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

The Germans are going to try and cut the communication by establishing EZOCs on the eastern red line, while the Soviets will attempt to reestablish a line of sorts enclosing Kiev.

German Turn 5

Outline the German plans for this turn.

Keep driving east without getting distracted by worthless roadblocks thrown up by retreating Soviets. Getting the red hex line cut off with EZOCs is paramount. In the middle, continue to cut off Soviet forces such that they cannot replace to regain steps.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

  • 4th Infantry Corps regains full strength.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Can't get around the road blocks, have to fight. But the Soviets are on the run, to be sure.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. 6:1 mech auto DE.
  2. 5:1 against mech outside of Kiev, roll 5, DE
  3. 3:1 on surrounded infantry army, roll 1 DR automatic DE no retreat.
  4. 2:1 Uman, roll 6 NE.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Primarily cut off Kiev and Kirivograd.

Russian Turn 5

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Russians are in big trouble, but they do have some cities in the north, by the Priyapits, which they can probably retain because the Germans overshot them.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

Three replacements and a reinforcement. The reinforcement will come in at Rovno. The replacements come in at Chernigov.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).

Mechanized move full movement, infantry not in EZOC get half movement.

Strong replacement units get a crack at a Pz division, they have it surrounded, Kiev may stand! Other units pulling north.


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

  1. 1:1 on 14 Pz roll 2 Ex and 14 Pz is out! This puts Kiev back into communication as well.
  2. 2:1 out in the west on a German infantry unit, roll 1 for DR results in step loss for retreat.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).

Hopefully the Soviets can get the line established and protect Kiev.


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

Going to be tough, but it looks like the Germans might be able to do this. The Soviets really are in a bind at this point, because the Germans don't care too much about losses now.

Turn 6

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

The Germans need to attack with fury this turn, without too much regard for losses, as there is only this turn and the next to make it happen. Driving the Soviets out of communication is critical, get their replacements all bound up into a corner where they can be contained. The Soviets for their part, have to figure out how to block the Germans even at the cost of any units.

German Turn 6

Outline the German plans for this turn.

First, take Kiev, then Uman, then drive to the east edge and to the to deny Soviets replacements. Combat this turn and next should be able to defeat the Soviets in detail.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

14 Pz comes back in at Iasi, no big deal, will be back at full strength next turn, and with 12 hexes of movement, can get anywhere necessary on the map in two turns.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Close for assault everywhere, even at 1:1 odds the 1/6 chance of attacker step loss is worth it.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. 5:1 Kiev, roll 1 DR cripes a lot of 1s this game.
  2. 3:1 Uman, roll 1 DR
  3. 3:1 at Shepetovka, roll 2, step loss, not that helpful to me, what's with these low rolls.
  4. 2:1 roll 2 DR for elimination being surrounded.

Germans just might do this thing.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Everything west of Kiev is cut off. All Soviet replacements have to come in from the northeast, same with reinforcements. Will be bloody up there.

Russian Turn 6

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Reinforcements and replacements can only come in from the northeast, so they will mob the Pz division sitting in Chernigov.


See Section 12.2 of the rules, note especially that on-map Russian units can be rebuilt even if the unit is in an EZOC. Off-board replacements must not appear in EZOC.

Northeast only, Germans have everything else cut off.

Soviet Special Movement phase

Soviet mechanized may move, along with any Soviet unit already on a rail hex which is not in an EZOC (9.4.3).

Bring the reinforcements and replacements in to Chernigov, kick out the 48 Pz division.


All Soviet units may attack (10.0).

  1. 1:1 in the north, roll 6 for AL, bummer, probably lose Sarny as a result, but it was worth the risk.
  2. 1:1 at Rovno, roll 5 NE.
  3. 2:1 at Chernigov, this roll could be the game winner for the Soviets… roll 2 for DR and 48 Pz is off the board.
  4. West of Kiev, the mech units are manning up for a 2:1 roll 5 NE.


All Soviet units may move (9.0).

Repositioning to deny Germans attack on Sarny and Chernigov. Looking good for a clean Soviet victory, albeit without Kiev.


Advance the game turn marker. Summarize the results for the turn for each player. Were goals achieved or stymied?

Germans just took too long to get around the Soviet flank, doesn't look like it's possible to reconquer Chernigov, and Sarny will be a very tough nut.

Turn 7

Summarize the situation in the upcoming turn for both players.

Germans are going to try and get Sarny, but it looks pretty tough. All the Soviets need to do hold fast.

German Turn 7

Outline the German plans for this turn.

All in for taking Sarny and Chernigov, and holding Kiev. Will be tough, but doable with dice permitting.


Axis replacements are brought in according to Section 12.3 either 1. along the black bordered western edge of the map, or 2. flip reduced unit back to full strength given unit is in communication with black edge.

48 Pz comes back in at Iasi. Won't be in play this turn, but can help defend.

Movement phase

All Axis units may move (9.0).

Move to Chernigov with the only unit capable, the Italians!

Close in around Sarny. Move the Italians to Chernigov. Some infantry into Kiev to bolster the panzer division.

Combat phase

All Axis units may attack (10.0).

  1. Chernigov, 1:1 roll 4 NE.
  2. Kiev 4:1 roll 4 DRL which is elminination for the unit.
  3. 5:1 auto elim for mech unit which is EZOC'ed.
  4. 6:1 for another mech unit, DE.
  5. Sarny west, 1:1 roll 3 EX works for the Germans.
  6. Sarny southwest 4:1 roll 6 DE.
  7. Sarny proper at 2:1 roll 1 for DR which works just fine. Looks like Sarny will be in German hands.

Axis Special Movement phase

German armor and Italian mechanized units may move their full movement in this phase (9.4.1); infantry not in EZOC may move half movement allowance (9.4.2).

Consolidate position around Sarny, Soviets have almost no chance of taking this back.

Russian Turn 7

Outline the Russian plan for this turn.

Chernigov is surrounded by replacements, it's a 4:1 fight so DE on defender when surrounded.

The only thing which matters this turn is whether the Russians can kick 3 Pz Corps out of Kiev, and they have a 1:1 odds of doing it. If they do it, they win by limiting the Germans to 14/16 cities. If they lose, it's a draw. The odds are 50%. I could flip a coin, but I'll roll the dice because it has been rolling 1s all day long, and a 1 will win it for the Soviets. So, rolling rolling rolling… 1! I should use this die for playing PanzerBlitz. (Update: this was incorrect odds, see blunder below.)

Soviet win. But just barely.

Here's the situation after the Soviet replacements enter:

Turn 7, Soviet replacements on

Not too bad, really.


So the Germans lost again, but this time it was closer than I've ever gotten to winning as the Germans. Usually, the Germans lose very badly on the last turn. This time, it came down to a coin flip for the draw. Had the breakout occurred one turn earlier, it might have been a German win. Perhaps next time.


Game play blunders:

  1. The main blunder was allowing mechanized units west of Kiev at the end of the game, as they reduced the column shift odds for across the river attacking. This would have guaranteed to save Kiev and result in a draw.

  2. Not getting around the Soviet line soon enough, but I think the dice had a bit to do with that. Just couldn't roll any DE in the early game, and the retreating units just got in my way.

  3. Losing 14 Pz hurt. The Germans should have waited one more turn before going into Chernigov. They would have had a better chance of holding it, even if they had to fight for it.
  4. The last turn Soviet offense into Kiev, as described above, is wrong. The Raw odds are 22:12, not 26:12, the mistake coming from the 4-2-6 mech unit counted for the attack, but it's stacked so it doesn't count. Hence the odds are 1:1 with 1L shift, so no attack possible. The Germans retain Kiev. They likely would have lost Kirovograd though, on a 1:1 from the mech units in the north moving south. Tossing a die (different die) rolls a 1, so, lost. What is it with rolling 1s this game?
