Objective Kiev continues to frustrate


I'm not sure exactly why I'm not getting a handle on Objective Kiev. Several possibilities come to mind:

  1. The rules are two pages longer (more complicated) than Battle for Moscow, a game with similar scope and (ostensibly) in the same rule system. Two pages is roughly 50% more rules.
  2. In three out of four games, the Russian 4th mechanized corps has been randomly positioned just north of Lyov, the absolute best possibly place to completely repel German breakthrough, and it fact, it has.
  3. The turn phasing on the map is incorrect for the Germans, which requires a mental leap every German turn.
  4. I haven't written out any of these games in much detail, which is always useful for really learning the rules.
  5. I seem to have a fair bit of trouble keeping track of whose turn and which phase is underway at any particular time.

There are possibly other reasons, but the above will do for now.

Writing everything out in detail as I play definitely helps keep track of game play, so for Turns 6 & 7 of an ongoing game, here's what's going down.

Turn 6

Looks hopeless for the Germans as the Russians have bolstered Kiev. The Germans must try for Kiev anyway, which is something the Russians know. The Russians don't have to do a lot more than keep the Germans bottled up in the west. They have all their units on the map, so they're in good shape for this.

German turn 6


Bring in the 4th Inf as replacements.

Movement phase

Two places:

  1. Over to Kiev
  2. Position for breakthrough in the west.

Combat phase

  • 3:1 for breakthrough, needed all air for this DRL result.
  • 1:1 at Kiev, did not use any air, EX result.

Armor and reserve movement

  • Italians on the east edge to control Soviet communication and replacement entry.
  • 48 Pz creeps around Soviet units, still cannot get out of EZOCs.

Russian Turn 6


Bring in 6-3-6 Mechanized, 4-4 infantry.


  • Move replacement to negate EZOC on Italian on east edge.


  • Drive German 34 Inf back to Lyov, advance into vacated hex.


  • Close the line around the Germans, again.

Turn 7

German Turn 7


44 Inf back in west of Lublin.


  • Position to get try and break the Russian defensive line.
  • Reposition to take another crack at Kiev.


  • 2:1 Kiev, roll 4 NE
  • 2:1 against 16 mech, roll 5 NE
  • 1:1 against 12 Inf, roll 3 EX, hurts the Germans.
  • 1:1 against 15 and 22 mech, roll 5 NE.

Armor and reserve movement

Moot, game is lost, Russians don't need to do anything at all for a win.

Russian Turn 7

Russian win.


Rail/mechanized movement




This was the worst game yet for the Germans. They didn't just lose, they lost by a stupendous amount. They weren't even able to break through in the west as the Russian defensive line held.


  • Initial Soviet attack strengths: These are doubled on Turn 1, and increased by 50% on Turn 2, thereafter what's on the counter. This hardly seems necessary given how well the Soviets utterly destroy the Germans in this game without it.

  • Attacking from stacked hexes: I keep forgetting only one unit can attack through a given hex side.

  • Forgetting that Russian mechanized have a defense strength. I've been using the attack strength for defense.
