Chadwick's Battle for Moscow


I've bought a few games lately. Not going to say how many. More than one, let's leave it at that.

What I haven't done enough of is play the games I have already. Hence my resolution to play at least one before buying another. This tougher than one might think, as I don't have space to set up a long-running game, and I like to write my game play as I go, which slows everything down considerably.

Enough whining, let's put something on the table.

My entertainment this evening is Frank Chadwick's Battle for Moscow. Small map, 40 counters, rules and turn tracker, supply your own dice.

Set up is easy, initial positions are marked on the map.

Turn 1

The Germans move first, modulo the "special panzer movement" not employed on Turn 1. That means straight to combat!

I like this game already.

And it's a "call your shots" kind of game, which I also like.

So the Germans take 3 Russian units off the map, right off the bat.

Now it's movement phase.


I didn't get a hole through the Russian line, so the ZOCs are going to ruin the Germans day.

Russian turn 1: Railroads FTW!

And 5 replacements.

The replacements went far as possible forward on cities, then with my rail movement, pushed everything as far forward as possible.


Victory in the south: 5th, 3rd, 10th and 30th force a retreat of the German 24th Panzer Corps at 1:1 odds with a roll of 1. However, the 24th is stuck and can't retreat! Eliminated! Furthe combat results in AL, NE or EX, which is fine for Russians, just hold the line.

Time to move, let's try holding the line on the fortifications.

Turn 2

We'll go by phase.

German replacement phase: bring in panzers at 0101, north side of map.

Panzer movement: move panzers up to line.

Combat: Germans need to break out. At 1:1, the Germans have a 50% chance of getting a 2 hex retreat from the Russian. Result of combat ths phase was mostly DR results or EX, net Russian retreat.

Movement: zocs are killing the Germans, very hard to break through.

Russian replacement phase: get as many pieces back on the board as possible to test hypothesis that maintaining zocs is more important than eliminating German units.

Combat: Russians managed to eliminate an infantry unit and a panzer unit on EX results. This works really well for the Russians, as the replacements counter the losses.

Movement: mud is coming, Russians just step back out of range of German's single hex move.

Turn 3 MUD!!!

No combat for Germans, all the Russians are out of reach.

Russians use this turn to reposition as well, starting to circle up around Moscow.

Turn 4 More mud

Germans do more repositioning, no combat.

Russians, same, no combat.

Turn 5

Germans try to sweep panzers around the south, force a retreat of the Russian 19th.

Russians knock out a couple of German infantry units, get some exchanges, and force 41st Panzer back.

Turn 6

Doesn't look like like the Germans can get a win, but they might pull out a draw by sweepin around from the south and taking all the towns but Moscow. Ryazam and Tula must fall! Movement phase puts panzers in position for Tula.

Russians beat back the advance at Ryazan and retake Kaluga. Holding fast everywhere else.

Turn 7

Germans get Kulaga back and take Tula; Ryazan can only be attacked at less than 1:1, a definite blunder!

Russian win. Took 8 German units off the board, occupied Moscow, Ryazan and Mozhiask.


This was my first game using zones of control. Overall, it felt like zones of control benefitted the Russian player more than the German player. This was likely due to not remembering to advance on defender elimination or retreat. Very hard to penetrate a line with that advance.


Forgot to adjust odds on forest and fortifications left 1 for Russian defenders in early turns.

Did not know to advance attacker unit after defending unit is eliminated or retreats. This is a pretty big blunder because the Germans really need every hex they can get. I'm sure the German side especially suffered for it as they must advance to win, whereas the Russians may or may not benefit from advancing.

Germans not putting a piece which could take a 1:1 at Ryazan on the last turn. Germans not advancing through lines during movement phase.

Replaced Russians at strength 5 during mud, instead of 4.

So, you might be wondering, which game did I buy after playing? I'll say only that my tax return came.
