LotR 310 - The Antlered Crown 6


This one went 5 or 6 rounds, and we almost beat it. We made a bad error on the last round by running combat out of order, which put us one Sentinel defender short of being able to survive. Had we been able to survive that round, we might have been able to squeak a win possible losing several heros. It was close.

One thing which really helped my deck was having 2 Snowbourn Scouts in my opening hand, and a Stand and Fight, and drawing another Snowbourn Scout right away. This let me chump and kill enemies quickly. On the questing side, J was able to quest for 15-20 on several hands, which was super helpful.

We did start this game with 2 Valar tokens, and we'll start the next with 3. We want to get through this one so we can get into The Lost Realm and Angmar Awakens. Also, I need the encounter cards to play Fords of Isen for my solo progression series.
