Carthage annihilated - War Galley 1


Game 1 War Galley. Another GBoH title.

Aegatian Isles 1.

Historically, Rome defeated Carthage in the Battle of Aegates to conclude the First Punic War. Likewise, Rome annihilated Carthage in this paper simulation. Here's the start of the battle:

War Galley 1

The lightest weight GBOH title so far, much less complex than Alexander, SPQR and the like. However the rules are not as clear as in reprinted titles. In this game, I played Carthage and was absolutely annihilated by Rome. We played around 4 turns. Carthage would have been able to score maybe 15-20 points total by escaping the fleet of the map, but that's about it. In the meantime, Rome had rammed two ships, captured a third, and crippled over a dozen more. A rematch may be necessary.

Here's the end of the game:

War Galley 1 end


For Aegatian Isles, the scenario could be balanced in two ways:

  1. Reduce the Roman fleet size by some number of ships.
  2. Adjust the victory conditions for the Carthaginians. For example, increase the points for getting a ship off of the map, or reduce thenumber of points they need to win.
