LotR 295 - The Morgul Vale (5)


Another stab at The Morgul Vale, this time with a mono-Tactics deck I used for Cair Andros. The thing about this quest is that there is no questing required, just need to not threat out, and maybe need to clear some locations.

Initial hand:

  1. Dwarven Axe
  2. Beorn
  3. Winged Guardian
  4. Darven Axe
  5. Blade of Gondolin
  6. Winged Guardian

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Quick Strike.
  2. Planning: Blade of Gondolin on Boromir.
  3. Quest: Thalin, reveal Orc War Camp, bummer, Threat 39.
  4. Travel: Orc War Camp.
  5. Encounter: Murgash.
  6. Combat: Reveal Terror Drives Them for Murgash attack, Beregond defends, shadow Morgul Road to put Murgash back in Staging.
  7. Refresh: Threat 40.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 5, draw Westfold Outrider, could be useful!
  2. Planning: none.
  3. Quest: Thalin, reveal Morgul Spider. Threat 47. Dang.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Murgash, Morgul Spider.
  6. Combat: Beregond defends Morgul Spider, shadow Forest Bat which results in Threat 50 and game over.


Probably going to need to tune the deck a bit, or perhaps change to a mono-Leadership deck, or maybe Caldara. I think both could win in Progression, but it won't be the fast win we had playing 2-handed. This quest is harder due to Will questing instead of Battle or Siege.

Also might try Hama.
