LotR 294 - The Morgul Vale (4)


First solo play of The Morgul Vale, typically a pretty difficult quest for solo. I'm going after it with my Outlands Tactic Splash deck for this play, but I suspect I'll be switching to a mono-Tactics deck to beat it, probably the one used against Siege of Cair Andros or something similar.

Initial hand:

  1. Feint
  2. Sneak Attack
  3. Anfalas Herdsman
  4. Ethir Swordsman
  5. Winged Guardian
  6. Warden of Healing

Acceptable, I guess.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Knights of the Swan
  2. Planning: Play Knights of the Swan.
  3. Quest: none, reveal Orc War Camp for net +10 Threat now 37.
  4. Travel: Orc War Camp
  5. Encounter: Murgash
  6. Combat: Beregond defends, The Dead City Looms revealed for no effect, shadow Watcher in the Wood for Threat 38 and Beregond takes 1 hit. Hirluin and Knights of the Swan put a hit on Murgash. Beravor draws Forlong and Warden of Healing.
  7. Refresh: Threat 39.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 5, draw Defender of Rammas.
  2. Planning: Play Ethir Swordsman and Anfalas Herdsman.
  3. Quest: Ethir Swordsman and Hirluin, reveal Terror Drives Them surge Morgul Road. Net +3 Threat 42.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Murgash.
  6. Combat: Beregond defends, reveal Morgul Sorcerer, shadow Terror Drives Them for 2 more hits on Beregond. Anfalas Herdsman defends Morgul Sorcerer, shadow Lieutenant of Mordor with no shadow effect. Beravor draws Gandalf x2.
  7. Refresh: Threat 43.

Round 3

  1. Resource: 5, draw Daeron's Runes.
  2. Planning: Daeron's Runes drawing Snowbourn Scout and Daeron's Runes, again, drawing Warior of Lossarnach and Hunter of Lamedon. Discard Hunter of Lamedon and Winged Guardian.
  3. Quest: Ethir Swordsman and Hirluin, reveal The Master's Malice and that's the game.


An almost predictable result.

I'm definitely going to switch to my mono-Tactics deck and see if I can Hama lock these fools. This is legit progression style as Hama had not been issued errata at this point in the releases.
