HF4A 54 - My First Colony (9)


A weekday game, two sessions of about an hour each. The goal is to get the game play down to 90 minutes total, which includes set up tear down, playing, and logging the results. Not there yet, but it's coming along.

  • Setup: 7:40
  • Cycle 1: 47m
  • Cycle 2: 54m
  • Blog writeup: 12m
  • Teardown: 4:24
  • Total: 2h6m

However, this was spread over 2 days. So it's a bit fishy.

Here are the turns.

Turn 1

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority, Law to Authority.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 7
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: Setup 7:40. Start at 3:51 to play first cycle. Crew is NASRDA Astronauts, which I don't believe I've played before. The patents look really good, will need to tightly control Inspiration. And as luck would have it, Inspiration roll puts me a turn behind right out of the gate.

Event: Inspiration. Discard from Authority to cancel.

Turn 2

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority.
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 8
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: :(

Turn 3

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Research: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic.
  • Starting Aqua: 8
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 6
  • Active Law: Centrist
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Event: Inspiration, discard from Authority.

Turn 4

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic.
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority, Law to Authority.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 7
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: The patents are really viable. Everything below the top is really bad, I'd have to cycle the patent decks anyway.

Turn 5

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic.
  • Operation: Research: In-Situ Leaching, D-T Fusion Tokamak
  • Starting Aqua: 7
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 5
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: That's a tough refinery to let go of. The alternative is another round of Authority canceling.

Event: Budget Cuts. Discard In-Situ Leaching.

Turn 6

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic, D-T Fusion Tokamak.
  • Operation: Research: Basalt Fiber Spinning, Supercritical Water Fission
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Authority
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: I'm playing this one wrong, I need to have the Active Law in Equality to acquire Supports. Will do that from here out.

Turn 7

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Supercritical Water Fission.
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Individuality, active Law to Individuality.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua:
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: Finally, an Event which doesn't mess up my board state.

Event: Solar Flares.

Turn 8

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, In-core Thermionic, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Supercritical Water Fission.
  • Operation: Free Market: Supercritical Water Fission.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: In-core Thermionic.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: 3
  • Ending Aqua: 6
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic

Turn 9

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.
  • Operation: Research: Neutral Beam.
  • Starting Aqua: 6
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 5
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic

Notes: This Inspiration roll actually works for me, exposes the radiator I need. Also brings up D-T Gun Fusion.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 10

  • Current hand: Ponderomotive VASIMIR, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Neutral Beam.
  • Operation: Research: Magnetocaloric Refrigerator.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Ponderomotive VASIMIR
  • Starting Aqua: 5
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR

Notes: I have my patents. Now to grind for Aqua. I need 10 to boost, and 3 to get to Vesta. I should keep an extra card in hand for Budget Cuts.

Turn 11

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator.
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Equality.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Neutral Beam.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam

Notes: If I had a Sail, I'd start moving things to a stack at Cycler.

Event: Pad Explosion, Lobby Authority.

Turn 12

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator.
  • Operation: Free Market: D-T Gun Fusion.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Magnetocaloric Refigerator.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator

Notes: Time: 4:36pm. Not too bad. I really hate grinding though. I need to Fund Raise again to deal with Pad Explosions.

Turn 13

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 3
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator

Notes: Time: 3:13pm, restarting.

Event: Anarchy, purge Freedom for no effect.

Turn 14

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.
  • Operation: Research: Fluidized Bed.
  • Starting Aqua: 3
  • Net Δ Aqua: -1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator

Turn 15

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Fluidized Bed.
  • Operation: Research: Free Electron Laser
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator

Event: Pad Explosion, Lobby Authority for Inspiration.

Turn 16

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Fluidized Bed, Free Electron Laser.
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator

Turn 17

  • Current hand: D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning, Fluidized Bed, Free Electron Laser.
  • Operation: Free Market: Fluidized Bed.
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: D-T Fusion Tokamak.
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak

Notes: Grind grind grind.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 18

  • Current hand: Basalt Fiber Spinning, Free Electron Laser.
  • Operation: Free Market: Free Electron Laser
  • Free Actions:
    • Boost: Basalt Fiber Spinning
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 1
  • Active Law: Individuality
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.

Notes: I need 4 Aqua to fuel. Fund Raise to play it safe.

Turn 19

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Authority
  • Starting Aqua: 1
  • Net Δ Aqua: 1
  • Ending Aqua: 2
  • Active Law: Authorty.
  • Score: 0
  • LEO: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.

Notes: I can't quite get to Vesta on 2 Aqua, but I can land on Eichsfeldia with 3. It is, however, Solar Season, Red, and I'll be exposed. However, that's in Heliocentric Zone -2, and my lowest Rad Hardness is 4, so I'm safe, I can travel.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 20

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Fund Raise: delegate to Centrist.
  • Free Actions:
    • Cargo Transfer: Build rocket.
    • Cargo Transfer: Fuel 3 Aqua.
  • Movement: * Land on Eichfeldia. Rad roll is automatic pass.
  • Starting Aqua: 2
  • Net Δ Aqua: -2
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Authority.
  • Score: 0
  • Rocket: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.

Notes: This was pretty cool, with the +1 flyby I need 6 burns to get to Eichsfeldia, with each burn a half step of fuel. This got me through the Hohmann.

Turn 21

  • Current hand: Empty
  • Operation: Prospect: roll 4 and claim.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Authority.
  • Score: 1
  • Rocket: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.

Notes: Getting to Vesta will require fuel, which I can get as In-Situ. Might as well prospect while I'm here. Without the claim, I could Industrialize Vesta in 3-4 turns.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 22

  • Current hand: Crew, In-core Thermionic, Ponderomotive VASIMIR, Neutral Beam, Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, D-T Fusion Tokamak, Basalt Fiber Spinning.
  • Operation: Industrialize: Eichsfeldia.
  • Free Actions:
    • Build Colony.
  • Starting Aqua: 0
  • Net Δ Aqua: 0
  • Ending Aqua: 0
  • Active Law: Authority.
  • Score: 11
  • LEO: Crew

Notes: Eichsfeldia or even Vesta was not a very good target for this mission, given all the S cards in this stack. The issue with S sites in the inner system is that most of them are pretty small, usually size 1 or 2, and most of them are ISRU 1, with some 2s, and the odd comet with 3 or 4. Time: 4:07pm, but I've wasted at least 10 minutes poking around on the map and cards thinking about the game play.
