LotR 261 - Peril in Pelargir (6)


I'm going to try a different approach this time by not questing on the first round, and just eating whatever comes out of the encounter deck threat-wise. No idea how it will turn out. This deck has a lot of threat control, so I'm more worried about surviving than threat at the moment. Still using the unmodified Lake Town Progress Deck from Chad G.

Initial hand:

  1. Vilya
  2. Elrond's Counsel
  3. Snowbourn Scout
  4. Daeron's Runes
  5. Elrond's Counsel
  6. Zigil Miner

This is one of the first times I've ever drawn Vilya in an opening hand. It's startling how unlucky I've been with that even with mulligans.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Gandalf.
  2. Planning: Play Daeron's Runes drawing A Test of Will and Henamarth RIversong. Play Elrond's Counsel twice for Threat 21. Play Snowbourn Scout to get a chump for insurance.
  3. Quest: Alcaron's Scroll discards Zealous Traitor. None to quest, reveal Collateral Damage discarding Collateral Damage and Pickpocket, which is a whiff. Threat 25.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Zealous Traitor, which kills Snowbourn Scout; Harbor Thug.
  6. Combat: Elrond defends, shadow Market Square and remove all resources. No damage on Elrond. Glorfindel defends, shadow Collateral Damage for 2 hits on Glorfindel.
  7. Refresh: Threat 26.

This is rough. I was going to play Gandalf next turn, won't have the resources for it.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 3, draw Vilya.
  2. Planning: Henamarth and Zigil Miner. Can't see how I'm going to survive this. But I can use Henamarth now, scry Zealous Traitor, which sucks as it's going to kill Zigil Miner.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, reveal Zealous Traitor. Threat 27.
  4. Travel: none
  5. Encounter: Zealous Traitor, Zigil is killed.
  6. Combat: Elrond defends Zealous Traitor, shadow Harbor Storehouse triggers another shadow Harbor Thug which whiffs. No damage from this attack, undefended from Harbor Thug, shadow Lost in the City which discards my hand and I'm scooping here as this is no fun.

This deck needs to be modified to add shadow management, more Hasty Stroke, Burning Brand, etc. I can take out some allies.

I did not play Vilya due to the shadow effect which discards attachments, and without Imladris Stargazer in play, seemed a bit pointless.
