LotR 260 - Peril in Pelargir (5)


Another round with Chad G's Lake Town Progression Deck. I don't think this deck can get out enough Attack power fast enough to deal with immediate attacks.

Initial hand, mulligan:

  1. Daeron's Runes
  2. Gildor Inglorion
  3. Snowbourn Scout
  4. Northern Tracker
  5. Gandalf
  6. Beorn

Notso hotso, I really need a Winged Guardian in this first hand. Let's see what the first turn looks like.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Erebor Hammersmith.
  2. Planning: Play Daeron's Runes drawing A Test of Will and Northern Tracker, discard Beorn.
  3. Quest: Alcaron's Scroll discard Lurking in Shadow, lucky. Elrond and Glorfindel to quest, reveal Harbor Thug, which is probably the game. Threat 28 due to Glorfindel exhausting to quest. Net 1 progress on Leaping Fish.
  4. Travel: none.
  5. Encounter: Harbor Thugs.
  6. Combat: Eowyn defends, shadow City Street for +2 and that's the game.

I'm going to need to build a deck for this, the hero lineup won't work.

Or, it may have been better to have not quested, and just soak up the threat with the intent of reducing it later. I think I'm going to try another game doing that and see what happens.
