LotR 239-241 - The Battle of Lake Town (2-4)


Second play of Lake Town, which is one of the harder quests in the game, but which can be beaten playing progression style. I'm using an Elrond/Vilya deck which was cloned from the deck which beat Shadoow and Flame. I cloned it as the first Hobbit Saga came out after Shadow and Flame but before Lake Town, so I may modify this deck with Hobbit Saga cards.

Initial hand:

  1. Unexpected Courage
  2. Snowbourn Scout
  3. Sneak Attack
  4. Gondorian Spearman
  5. Hasty Stroke
  6. Imladris Stargazer

Would have liked to have seen Vilya, but this will do for now.

Encounter: Fisherman's Dock.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Northern Tracker.
  2. Planning:
  3. Quest: Smaug to Staging: Magnificent, Eowyn, Theodred quest draw Merchant's District, Threat 36.
  4. Travel: Merchant's District.
  5. Encounter: Smaug.
  6. Combat: Sneak Attack Snowbourn Scout, shadow Town-baiting for no effect. Net 6 damage to Lake Town.
  7. Refresh: Threat 37.

Round 2

  1. Resource: 6, draw Steward of Gondor
  2. Planning: play Steward on Eowyn, play Imladris. Unexpected Courage on Elrond.
  3. Quest: Smaug the Magnificent to Staging and that's a scoop, he'll kill a hero which would be unrecoverable.

I think I really need to mulligan for Vilya in this scenario.

Blunder: I could have used Elrond to play Gondorian Spearman or Snowbourn Scout and survived the round. Snowbourn Scout would have also cleared the location in staging.

Game 240, Lake Town 3

Same deck, let's go another round.

Initial hand, mulligan:

  1. Vilya
  2. Snowbourn Scout
  3. Daughter of the Nimrodel
  4. Gleowine
  5. Northern Tracker
  6. Hasty Stroke

Encounter: Fisherman's Dock.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Miner of the Iron Hills.
  2. Planning: play Vilya on Elrond, play Snowbourn Scout.
  3. Quest: Smaug the Magnificent to Staging. Eowyn, Thoedred quest, draw Dire Magnificence and discard Snowbourn Scout. That blows, Snowbourn Scout to discard, Threat 32.
  4. Travel: Fisherman's Dock.
  5. Encounter: Smaug.
  6. Combat: Exhaust Elrond/Vilya for Henamarth Riversong to defend, shadow Close to the Flame which deals one damage to each character in play, which means Henamarth is dead and the attack is undefended, scoop.

Game 241, Lake Town 4

Initial hand, mulligan:

  1. Gondorian Spearman
  2. Snowbourn Scout
  3. Light of Valinor
  4. Hasty Stroke
  5. A Test of WIll
  6. Unexpected Courage

Encounter: South Pier.

Round 1

  1. Resource: 3, draw Inladris Stargazer
  2. Planning: Snowbourn Scout, Imladris Stargazer, scry, Henamarth next up.
  3. Quest: Eowyn, Theodred, Elrond, draw Smaug the Mighty into Staging, West Pier. Threat 32. Smaug attacks Snowbourn Scout, shadow Dire Magnificence which destroys Snowbourn Scout. Smaug attacks again and kills a hero as everyone is exhausted. Scoop.

Womp womp.

Possible blunder: writing the following day, I do not recall where I placed Theodred's questing resource. It should have gone onto Eowyn (or Elronf iirc) to be able to play Hasty Stroke and cancel the shadow.

This quest is so hard, I may be too ready to scoop rather than dig deep into my current hand.
