Panzer second play


Two day game started yesterday. We really went deep into the rules this game, using the advanced rules for combat. It made much more sense than the basic combat we used in a our first game.

I played the Russians in Scenario 1, which is 10 T-34/76 against 10 PzKfwn IV. This is a fairly even match, with the panzers being a little longer ranged (iirc), but move slower and aren't as hard as the T-34s.

I came in on the hillier side of the board, first estabishing a couple of overwatch positions, and let the Germans roll up into one of the bridges. Then I pounded him into pieces there, losing only one tank with damage on another. I was able to eventually take this bridge. The other bridge I did the the same thing as the Germans, rolling into it, and eventually getting hammered. However, I still maintained overwatch, and also sent a tank into the ford.

The end result was 4 Germans KO'ed to 2 Russians KO'ed, with the Russians on the ford and one bridge. The Germans conceded at this point.

Here's the end of the game:

End of Turn 6
