Vietnam 1965-1975; 9 - Operation Starlite (8)


At 3:30 pm, it's pretty late in the day on Sunday afternoon for me to fire up a new game, but this is such a short scenario that I can surely play it out over the week quite easily. In this case, I'm focusing again on playing more or less the Playbook example. The idea is to play until I can't get it wrong.

The focus this game is getting more comfortable with artillery employment.

Turn Sequence

1. Support Phase

The US player indicates available air, airmobile, and riverine support on his record sheet, placing appropriate markers on the General Record Track.

  • 1 Airmobile point
  • 4 Air support points

2. Special Operations Designation Phase

  • The US player notes any units on holding or patrol operations.
  • The NLF also notes units on holding or patrol operations.


3. Strategic Movement Phase

The US player may conduct security operations and employ strategic and naval movement.


4. Operations Phase

The heart of the Vietnam 1965-1975 game is the operation. The three main things to remember about operations are:

  1. The NLF player always determines who performs the next operation, and may choose to pass in favor of the US player performing an operation (Section 5, page 9).
  2. Each unit may perform only one operation per turn (Section 2.2, page 5).
  3. Operations proceed as a series of rounds until the US declines is unable to perform further operations. The NLF then decides to either continue operations or end the Operations Phase (Section 5, page 9).

Operations are explained in brief in Section 2.2, page 5, and described in detail in Section 5, page 9 of the rules.

A. Designation Segment

As explained in the preface material in Section 5 (page 9), the NLF always designates who conducts the next operation. The designated player is the phasing player and commences to:

  1. Choose the type of operation;
  2. Choose which units participate;
  3. Specify the target hex of the units (if applicable).
  • Operation:
  • Units:
  • Target Hex:
Operation 1, VC
  • Operation: Search & Destroty
  • Units: both VC
  • Target Hex: 5220
Operation 2, USMC
  • Operation: Search & Destroy
  • Units: 2/4/3M
  • Target Hex: 5020

  • Operation: Search & Destroy
  • Units: 3/3/3M, 2/12, 7/1M, 3/7/1M
  • Target Hex: 4820

B. Support Declaration Segment

The US player may:

  1. assign air support;
  2. assign naval support;
  3. declare free fire zones.

Section 5.1 (page 9) contains details.

Operation 1, VC


Operation 2, USMC

No support declared this operation.

Operation 3, USMC
  • 4 Air
  • Naval is out of range

C. Movement Segment

The movement segment applies only during Search & Destroy, Clear & Secure, Security, Naval Transport, or Strategic Movement Operations.

Operating player moves any units assigned to the current operation; may enter ZOCs and Target Hex, may move through enemy hexes (and be subject to Incidental Attacks [4.11]). Airmobile points may be used.

REACTION: At the end of enemy Operating movement, any friendly units in the ZOC and not the Target Hax may move their full movement allowance in Reaction. [4.9]

Operation 1, VC

Move to 5020 and 5120. Ops complete.

Operation 2, USMC

Move 2/4/3M to 5020.

Reaction: VC unit in 5120 moves to 5019.

Operation 3, USMC

This is a little complex:

  • Airmobile 7/1M to 4721
  • 2/12 to 5020
  • 3/3/3M to 4920
  • 3/7/1M to 6920

These units are 1 MP short of being able to get into the hills. The VC Political Section ZOC is costing a lot of MP.

Reaction: Political Section moves to 5219.

D. Alert Segment (only in US operations)

The Alert segment only applies during allied Search & Destroy, Clear & Secure, amd Bombardment Operations. The Operating player may perform Interdiction [7.5.2]; the NLF player may Alert [4.8].

Operation 1, VC


Operation 2, USMC

VC roll 4 + 1 terrain for 5 - 2 scenario, 3 MP allowed. VC Alert moves to 4920.

Operation 3. USMC

VC roll 2 + 3 terrain -2 scenario -1 ZOC net 2 cannot move anywhere better than where they are right now.

E. Combat Segment

The Combat segment only applies during Search & Destroy, Clear & Secure, Security, and Bombardment Operations.

Units ending movement in a Target Hex must have combat; units ending movement adjacent to enemy hexes may declare combat. If combat is not declared after movement, the Operation ends immediately. Specifically, Operations without a Target Hex, or when a Target Hex cannot be declared end immediately on conclusion of movement.

GROUND SUPPORT may be declared with artillery, naval, and air. Increase Attack and Defense Factors by up to 3x ground combat strength with either: 1/2 the amount of declared support, or; full declared support if Free Fire is declared. Full support strength is used when determining losses.

INTERDICTION: Either or both players declare interdiction here. [7.5.2]

Operation 1, VC


Operation 2, USMC

No interdiction, 2/4/3M attacks VC in 4920, which is revealed to be 70 Regiment (70R). Bad luck for USMC.

Combat odds: 3:8, DRM -2 (or -3?).

USMC roll 2 -2 DRM for 0.

Casualties: - VC Defender: 6 + 0 = 6, 0 losses. - USMC Attacker: 3 + 2, 0 losses.

Very lucky for USMC.

Operation 3. USMC
  • Round 1:
    • Attack with 6 + (19 / 2) = 15.5
    • Defense 6 + 2.
    • Odds: 3:2, DRM + 1.
    • Roll 3 + 1 odds - 3 terrain for 1
      • Defender casualties: 6 + 9.5 = 15.5, lose 2 Repl.
      • Attacker casualties: 6 + 2 = 8, lose 3. Dang. Pursuit -1.

This is not looking good for USMC.

F. Retreat Segment

Applies to Security Operations as well. Defending player may move their full Movement Point allowance. If the FWA are non-Operating, they may active Defensive Reserves [6.10.2].

Operation 1, VC


Operation 2, USMC

VC retreat to 4820.

Operation 3, USMC

VC retreat to 4720, they can just do it with 4 MP.

G. Pursuit Segment

Operating units may Pursue (FWA and NLF). FWA may activate Offensive Reserves if he is the Operating player [6.10.2].

Operation 1, VC


Operation 2, USMC

2/4/3M can pursue into 4920.

Operation 3, USMC

Cannot do any pursuit with any units as I need 3 MP to get into the hills, and only have 2 with the -1 modifier from the combat round.

H. Interdiction Removal Segment

Remove all Interdiction markers from the map.

I. Continuous Operations Combat Segment

Now return to Segment and and repeat until neither player is able or willing to conduct an operation.

Operation 1 (recap)

VC just moved to try and escape the gauntlet.

Operation 2, USMC

Will not continue with another round.

Operation 3, USMC

Cannot continue due to lack of pursuit.

5. Game Turn Indication Phase

End of Turn 1 is end of this game.


I'm playing this scenario until I "can't get it wrong."

It's a good scenario for learning the game. I think it's slanted to the VC, but that may be because the VC don't really have to do much more than bluff the USMC and hope to get lucky die rolls for Alert movement.

The USMC on the other hand, has to account for spending an operation which might either be a no op, or very bloody.

For the third operation, I might should have brought in an infantry unit Airmobile into hot LZ which would pin the VC and not allow a retreat. Then the 7/1M HQ unit could stay in the plains and still be adjacent.

Another thing to consider is using interdiction early. It might whiff, but the chance of whiffing early is better than having it surely whiff as the VC alert and retreat out of range.

Need to play this again!
