Front Toward Enemy & more


Another successful game day with my usual hex and counter opponent. We haven't met up in around a month due to my traveling in mid-September, then being busy and tired after I got back.

We got three different games played, all fairly short plays, with the hex and counter Front Toward Enemy being the new entry. It's always good to get a new game on the table, even better when it's a new Vietnam game, and best when the new Vietnam game turns out to be a good one!

Front Toward Enemy

A surprise hit! While the map sheets, counters, rules, and player aids are all top notch, what matters most is game play, and Front Toward Enemy seems to nail that as well.

We only played the easy Escape and Evade scenario, which goes for 12 turns max. That seems long, and in other games it might well be. In our game the turns went pretty fast once we got going.

I took the US, opponent the NVA. The win condition for US is exiting from west edge within 12 turns, for the NVA preventing that. As the US, I stacked all my units together, then did a double time along the trail with the weakest defense. Opponent was not able to get around me to slow me down. Double Time is almost twice movement speed but requires an exhaustion effect and cannot double time twice in a row.

This is going back on the table!

1955 The War of Esponiage

Our second play, I'm just not a fan. I just played the whole thing as straight as possible for the numeric values of the cards, only using "Special Actions" when it drove me forward or allowed me to increase hand size or swap hands. I don't think it's a bad game per se, it's just too abstract for the theme of spy vs spy which it's attempting. For example, the game seems perfectly balanced with the same cards and abilities for each faction. For an East vs. West game, there is so much more which could have been done. Twighlight Struggle is probably the end member here, but there ought to be something between this game and Twighlight Stuggle.


This was a fast demo game as my usual opponent hadn't ever heard of it. I showed him how to set it up and we played it, despite me not actually wanting to play it. I won which is not a surprise. Hive is one of those games I've stopped playing as I want to get really good at it, and I don't have time to spend on it like I want. So I don't play it.
