LotR 197-199 - Into Ithilien (3-5)


We keep getting massively spanked by this quest.

At issue is that Stage 1 is a Battle quest, but the staging area fills up full of high hit point or defense enemies. Most enemies need 6 hits to one shot them, which is tough in the early game.

Game 197

We ended up with a massive swarm of enemies in the staging area, and did not get very close to completing Stage 1. We played perhaps 3-4 rounds.

Game 198

This was a "you lose now" situation with Dunhere getting eliminated on the first round.

Game 199

Stage 1 went on for a long, long time. Once we cleared it, we made a major mistake in that we continued to play the Engagement checks, which are disabled for Stage 2. We ended up losing the game with an 11 Threat sequence of surges which put both of our Threat into the 42-43 ranges, and with the enemies we engaged wiping out our tableaus, there was no point to continue. Also, Theodred was taken out.
