HF4A 11 - CEO (4)


I'm on a roll, can't resist, going for another round of CEO with the goal of getting industrialized by Turn 18, or bust. We'll see what I decide to do if I succeed. I may pack it up declaring a win, or play it out, or save the state and finish it some other time. High quality problem.

Setting up:

  • Randomly drew white card crew, chose NASA (D) faction.
  • Using Module 0 Politics.

Turn 1

  • Operation: Research MET Steamer robonaut.

Event: pad explosion for no effect.

Turn 2

  • Operation: Research H2O2 Fuel Cell Generator.

Turn 3

  • Operation: Research Froth Flotation refinery.

Event: pad explosion, no effect.

Turn 4

  • Operation: Boost Robonaut.

Turn 5

  • Operation: Fund Raise, add to Centrist for insurance.

Event: pad explosion, will need to boost again, that really sucks.

Turn 6

  • Operation: Boost.

Now I need to mill the deck to boost and to get enough fuel to actually go somewhere. I'll need 5 fuel.

Turn 7

  • Operation: Research Solar Moth Thruster.

Event: pad explosion. No. This die has rolled 4 for pad explosions at an astounding rate. I'm changing dice. Roll 4 with new die. Ok. Fine. That really hurts my game here.

Turn 8

  • Operation: Free Market Solar Moth, 8 Aqua.

Turn 9

  • Operation: Boost Robonaut and refinery.

Event: roll 5 for Solar Flare, no effect.

Turn 10

  • Operation: Reaearch Mass Driver thruster.

Turn 11

  • Operation: Research Magma Electolysis refinery

Event: pad explosion. :/

Turn 12

  • Operation: Free Market refinery,


All good.

Turn 13

  • Operation: Free Market thruster, total Aqua now 15 (adding +1 per boost for NASA).

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 14

  • Operation: Fund Raising, put a delegate into Equality.

Turn 15

  • Operation: Boost generator and refinery, gain an Aqua.
  • Move: build rocket in LEO, fuel, move, rad belt roll 4 takeaway 3 for net thrust gets 1, all pass, roll Aerobrake 5, which is a pass, and now I have a robonaut, refinery, and the required supporting generator on Mars arsia mons caves on Turn 15.

Event: Budget cuts, I have nothing in my hand so no effect.

At this point, I don't quite know what to do, other than attempt the same thing again, except cards cost a lot more money now, so getting Aqua is a lot harder.

Turn 16

  • Operation: Industrialize.

Turn 17

  • Operation: ET Production generator.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 18

  • Operation: Free Market refinery.

Turn 19

  • Operation: Research Hall Effect thruster.

Event: Solar Flare for no effect.

Turn 20

  • Operation: ET Produce Ion Drive.

Turn 21

  • Operation: ET Produce Nanobot.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 22

  • Operation: Fund Raise, move Active Law to Equality. This allows me to pay 1 Aqua for Research. I'm not sure it's "allowed" in CEO, the rules are ambiguous here, but I'm going to use it and see what happens.

Now I need to get my black cards back to LEO.

Turn 23

  • Operation: Research Ericsson Engine generator.

Event: Solar Flare for no effect.

Turn 24

  • Operation: ET Production Nanocomposite generator.


Have 10 VPs which is greater than the necessary 8 KPIs.

Turn 25

  • Operation: Factory Fuel.

Event: Glitch.

Turn 26

  • Operation: Delivery Nanocomposite, glitch roll 4, no effect.

Turn 27

  • Operation: Delivery robonaut, glitch roll 4(!) no effect.

Event: roll 4(!!!!), pad explosion, no effect.

Turn 28

  • Operation: Research CVD Molding refinery, will need it for next Industrialization.

Turn 29

  • Operation: Delivery thruster, glitch roll 2, no effect.

Event: Solar Flare, no effect.

Turn 30

  • Operation: Free Market generator. Aqua is 7. Might be enough.

Turn 31

  • Operation: Factory fuel on Mars, glitch 1 for no effect.

Event: Solar Flare for no effect.

Turn 32

  • Operation: Delivery generator, glitch roll 1 for no effect.

Turn 33

  • Operation: Boost refinery.

I think I'm 1 water tank short of getting through the next round. Really frustrating. Let's see what it's going to take. I have 4 Aqua right now, with mass 7.

  • To make a move to Luna in two turns I would need 1 more Aqua. I have to take crew to make the landing.
  • To get to Vesta, I would need to pass a Rad roll and it would take me 3 turns because I only have 3 thrust, which would get to the pivot on the first turn, the lagrange on the second turn, then landing on the third turn. But I could do it with 3 Aqua.
  • Flora is doable in 2 turns, if I don't take crew.

  • Move: fuel with 2 tanks, make 3 burns to the pivot at Flora. But, check rad roll 2, so that's good.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 34

  • Move: land on Flora.
  • Operation: Prospect, roll 1 for a claim. Woohoo! I'm still in the game.

Turn 35

  • Operation: Industrialize.
  • Cargo Transfer: decommission everything back to LEO and hand.

Event: Inspiration, both the sails have cycled, dang it.

Turn 36

  • Operation: Research Dumbo thruster.


Victory Points:

  • 4 bits on the map: 4
  • Single S factory: 8
  • Single C factory: 8
  • Total: 20.

Need 18, so play continues.

Maybe go to Vesta next.

Turn 37

How to get to Vesta really quickly?

I can get there in 3 burns from Flora. I need to find in the rules where decommissioning black cards is defined.

Intermission: I've been decommissioning black cards incorrectly. They go to the hand on the white side. They can then be ET Produced again, but will then need to be delivered to LEO to be used, very time consuming.

Actually I can't get from Flora to Vesta because the black side Ion Drive thruster is currently supported by Microbial Fuel Cell, which is solar powered and has -2 thrust in the Ceres zone. I think I'm stuck, and I'm certainly really tired. It's been a great couple of days with 3 play throughs. A lot more of the rules are falling into place now, and I'm getting more comfortable with the cards. Calling this game here.
