HF4A 10 - CEO (3)


Here's the question: can I get industrialized by Turn 22? In previous games, it has taken me to Turn 23 and 24 respectively. That extra turn really, really matters. Even better if I could do it by Turn 21. Let's see it plays out.

Setting up:

  • Randomly drew yellow, and chose Crew (A) which is United Nations Cosmonauts. I get +2 Aqua at the start. I've never played this crew before.

  • Adding in Module 0 Politics on this round. Might help me get just a few more VPs.

Let's go!

Turn 1

  • Operation: Research Photon Kite Sail Thruster

Event: roll 6 for Anarchy, no effect.

Turn 2

  • Operation: Research Metastable Helium Thruster, we meet again! This seems to be a really, really good thruster.

Turn 3

  • Operation: Research Kuck Mosquite Robonaut.

Event: roll 2, Inspiration, cycle patents.

Turn 4

  • Operation: Free Market Photon Kite Sail, 8 Aqua total. That may have been a mistake, I could have boosted that for free (mass 0) and it's C spectral class which matches Mars.

Turn 5

  • Operation: Research Supercritical Drying Refinery.

Event: Budget Cuts, discard a card from hand to bottom of appropriate deck. Bummer.

Turn 6

  • Operation: Research Free Electron Laser Robonaut.

Turn 7

  • Operation: Free Market Free Electron Laser, total Aqua 8.

Event: Pad Explosion, no effect.

Turn 8

  • Operation: Research Metallic Hydrogen Reactor.

Turn 9

  • Operation: Free Market reactor total Aqua 11.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 10

  • Operation: Research Project Orion Reactor.

Turn 11

  • Operation: Free Market reactor, Aqua total 13.

Event: Inspiration

Turn 12

  • Operation: Research Tungsten Resistojet Robonaut.


There is nothing in the Demand Pile, so all good.

Turn 13

  • Operation: Free Market robonaut, total Aqua 15.

Event: Pad Explosion, no effect.

Turn 14

  • Operation: Research Solar Pumped MHD robobaut.

Turn 15

  • Operation: Fund Raise, +1 Aqua and delegate into Centrist for pad explosion insurance.

Event: Inspiration.

Turn 16

  • Operation: Boost everything. I need an X reactor really bad, can't do anything without it.

Turn 17

  • Operation: Research Cermet NERVA reactor, there is an X below it.

Event: Glitch for no effect.

Turn 18

  • Operation: Research Mini-mag RF Paul Trap reactor. 7 Aqua remaining.

Turn 19

  • Operation: Research Mo/Li Heat Pipe Radiator.

Event: pad explosion, robonaut back to hand, +3 Aaua.

Turn 20

  • Operation: Boost. I could be ready to fly, but it's Red Season, which means Rad rolls get +2. My thruster is Weak Sauce on rad hardness. This is tough. What I could do is sit out the red season and collect money so that I'll something to spend after I industrialize.

Basically, need to industrialize by about Turn 18 to get a really good grip on this scenario.

Sitting it out.

Turn 21

  • Operation: Free Market reactor, total Aqua 9.

Event: Solar Flare, no effect for me. Good thing I decided not to fly.

Turn 22

  • Operation: Fun Raise. Put a delegate into Unity, move the existing delegate into Honor. 10 Aqua.

Turn 23

Now is when I need to be really careful. I won't be able to Industrialize until Turn 24. But I want to spend only the amount of Aqua I need to get to Mars, and no more. I need that Aqua back at LEO for Cycle 3.

  • Move: Add 2 Aqua to rocket, +1 for afterburn, 7 Aqua remaining. Roll for radiation, Radiation roll 2, passed, first aerobrake roll 4, pass again, second aerobrake roll 6 and I'm landed on Mars with 7 Aqua left in LEO.
  • Operation: Prospect, Arsia Mons Caves, can only prospect here but it's an automatic success. I can do a half burn to the North Pole next turn maybe, depending on what gets decommissioned.

Event: pad explosion for no effect.

Turn 24

  • Operation: Industrialize.
  • Free Action: Colonize.
  • Free Action: Cargo Transfer, decommission everything back to hand.


KPIs: 8. VPs: 12.

Continue play.

For the next cycle, I'm going to try and get everything I can ET Produced on Mars, then go there and pick it up.

Turn 25

  • Operation: ET Produce UltraCold Neutrons reactor.

Event: Glitch for no effect.

Turn 26

  • Operation: Boost thruster and refinery.

Turn 27

  • Operation: Research H2O2 fuel cell.

Event: pad explosion, drat. I can't afford that right now.

Turn 28

  • Operation: ET Produce Generator.

Turn 29

  • Operation: ET Fuel produciont, 7 Aqua on site.

Event: Glitch, put it on Outpost 2.

Turn 30

Going into Red Season.

  • Operation: Delivery roll for glitch, no effect.

Turn 31

  • Operation: ET Produce robonaut.

Event: Solar Flare, I'm good.

Turn 32

  • Operation: Boost. I have 1 Aqua remaining. I don't think I can do this as I am going to end up needing to move to a different part of Mars to do the prospecting, and I just don't have enough Aqua to get there and do that. I would have an awesome stack if I could. Again, I'm like 1-2 turns from pulling it off. Bummer.
