Vietnam Battles 2 - Lang Vie (2)


Another round of Vietnam Battles, playing Operation Pegasus Lang Vei scenario for the second time, this time without stacking the NVA counters.

There are a whole lot of NVA/VC on the map, and not very many US/ARVN. Here's what the set up looked like.

Game 2 set up

A few observations after several rounds of play:

  1. Naively, the game is the NVA's to lose. The way the barrage seems to work, the NVA can engage a single US hex, and barrage the crap out of it turn after turn. This results in incrementally more victory points for the NVA player every turn.

  2. The US player tends to spend all tactical air on defense to prevent outright elimination of units, which reward the NVA more than US eliminating NVA units.

  3. Strategic air isn't powerful enough to do much of anything, unless all (3) SAC points are spent into a single hex, and even then, if it's a jungle hex, rolling a natural 6 is required to get a simple disruption.

This is what the end of the game looked like, after the US conceded:

Game 2 end


Not much more to say past what's already noted above. I bought the game used, and a previous owner was thoughtful enough to add a copy of a published game review. It would have been helpful to have read the review before playing, there are a couple of good tips in it.
