Ogre Battlefields first plays (42, 43)


Game Day at Dos Palmas, with the usual Ogre pushers in attendance. Today's games featured maps and scenarios from the Battlefiels release, which was kickstarted and arrived a few weeks ago. This is the first time any of us have played this release.

Game 42 Breakthrough

Breakthrough on the new S maps, with 8 howitzers on defense, 4 fixed and 4 mobile.

We paired off with myself and AS, and SK and AW.

I defended and lost this one, deployed my howitzers on the wrong side of the map. Here's what the start looks like:

Breakthrough on S3

SK defended and (as usual) won. Then they switched side and SK attacked and (as usual) won.

Another Breakthrough on S3

Game 43 Raid

Raid on the new S maps. It turns out I did pretty well against our local Ogre shark, came close to a draw. I made a critical mistake leaving some lgevs in a stack at close of turn, whence they were overrun by a superheavy on the next turn. Pretty cool scenario though, would be happy to play it again.
