Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation (1)


I picked this up used last year, on a bit of a whim. Lord of the Rings is always thematically good, so why not?

However, it does have Stratego style hidden units, so it's a bit harder to play solo, but I'm ok with that especially when teaching myself how to play.

For this first game I'm not going to bother with describing the setup in detail. I put all the hobbits in The Shire, everyone else from both sides just placed randomly on the map.

Turn 1

Sauron starts, move Flying Nazgul from Fangorn to Misty Mountains.

Fellowship moves Boromir into Misty Mountains. Fight!

Step 2 of Combat states the text on each of the character cards is resolved, Fellowship first. In this case, Boromir's text is that both characters are defeated, hence, both removed from the game.

That's well and good, but I'm going to have to play another turn to actually learn combat.

Turn 2

Sauron: Black Rider from Rohan to Caradhras.

Fellowship: Gimli from Enedwaith to Caradhras. Fight!

Step 3 of combat is playing cards. I'm going to choose randomly from each side:

  • Sauron: "Magic," but no cards in Discard so no effect.
  • FS: "Retreat" Gimli back to Enedwaith.

Turn 3

Sauron: Black Riders from Caradhras to Eregion. Fight Gandalf!

FS: Legolas from Arthedain to Rhudaur.

Once again for combat, just choosing random cards from each combat deck. Sauron "chose" 5, Gandalf "chose" Noble Sacrifice, both characters defeated.

The board is getting thinner…

Turn 4

Sauron: Orcs from Mirkwood to Misty Mountains.

FS: Legolas from Rhudaur to Misty Mountains, attack!

Sauron card: 4, FS card: 3, this is a tie, both defeated!

Turn 5

Sauron: Cave Troll from Gondor to Rohan.

FS: Frodo from Shire to Arthedain.

And I'm done for now, this fine, I have enough of the rules to teach it to someone else. I may get into doing more soloing later, but I want to get a couple of opposed plays in first.
