LotR 106 - The Watcher in the Water (3)
After a hiatus of several months, it's time to return to Middle Earth. I'm playing the Deeds of Dwarves deck which has gotten me up until this point in Dwarrowdelf. From what I recall the last time I played, I may need to get a bit more healing on the deck to deal with tentacles. Let's see how this game works out.
Starting hand:
- Fili
- Sneak Attack
- Longbeard Orc Slayer
- Durin's Song
- Longbeard Map-Maker
- Erebor Record Keeper
Initial encounter: Stagnant Creek, which draws Warg Lair.
Round 1
- Resource: 3, draw Untroubled By Darkness
- Planning: play Erebr RK
- Quest: Ori, ERK, draw Ill Purpose for now effect, net +2 on quest. Ill Purpose is nasty.
- Travel: Stagnant Creek.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: none.
- Refresh: Threat 32.
Round 2
- Resource: 5, draw Ancestral Knowledge
- Planning: play Fili get Kili.
- Quest: ERK and Ori, draw Wrapped! Net +5 Progress and Stagnant Creek is cleared.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: none.
- Combat: Exhaust Thorin to clear Wrapped!
- Refresh: Threat 33.
Round 3
- Resource: 6, draw Forest Snare and Bifur.
- Planning: play Longbeard OS, expensive, but might save the day with big defense.
- Quest: Thorin, Ori, ERK for 9 Will, draw Grasping Tentacle.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Grasping Tentacle.
- Combat: Longbeard OS defends Grasping Tentacle, shadow Makeshift Passage for no effect. Fili and Kili attack to kill Grasping Tentacle.
- Refresh: Threat 34.
Round 4
- Resource: 6, draw Second Breakfast and Cram.
- Planning: Cram on Dain.
- Quest: Thorin and Fili for 6 Will, draw Thrashing Tentacle, net 4 Progress and off to Stage 2.
- Travel: none, Doors of Durin in play.
- Encounter: Thrashing Tentacle.
- Combat: Longbread Orc Slayer defends, shadow Perilous Swamp for no effect, but kills Longbeard OS. Since there is a Shadow card, all the attacking damage would be dealt to an attacker, so just leave it engaged and hope for the best.
- Refresh: Threat 35.
Round 5
- Resource: 10, draw Narvi's Belt and Forest Snare.
- Planning: Forest Snare on Thrashing Tentacle, Narvi's on Thorin.
- Quest: Thorin, Ori, Fili for 9 Will, draw Mountain Warg net +3 Progress.
- Travel: none.
- Encounter: Mountain Warg.
- Combat: Kili defends shadow Striking Tentacle for no effect, Kili is dead. ERK readies Thorin, play Durin's song for +2 attack on Dain to kill Mountain Warg.
- Refresh: Threat 36.
Round 6
- Resource: 8, draw Longbeard Map-Maker, Miner of the Iron Hills.
- Planning: play Miner of the Iron Hills. Discard Longbeard MapMaker, Second Breakfast, Ancestral Knowledge to draw Black Uruks and claim Doors of Durin for 3 VP.
- Quest: Going for gold, questing all but Dain, playing Untroubled by Darkness for 7 + 5 + 5 for 17 Will, draw Black Uruks and discard Cram, whoopity doop.
That is a win.