Eclipse at Endgame's last hurrah


As I believe I've previously noted, Endgame is closing its door in early 2019, and closing the mezzanine end of 2018. So today was almost certainly the last play.

While AS and I had tentative plans for something Vietnam, we ended up playing a game of Eclipse which someone else had brought. I hadn't played Eclipse yet, and it's something I have always been interested in playing.

The game is very similar to Space Empires 4X, with a lot more fiddly bits, like plastic ships, lots of wooden cubes, etc. While it is a bit fiddly, it does cut down on the sort of record keeping which is necessary in SE4X.

The end result after 6 turns was J and I with 17 points, AS with 16 points, and C the owner of the game with 15.

Good time had by all.
