Leaving Earth 5 - medium solo
Some solo goodness, a Leaving Earth medium difficulty scenario. I'm going to play this one out while getting other chores done. I used to do that a lot and it worked.
Here are the missions:
- Medium: Venus survey for 6.
- Medium: Mercury Survey for for 7.
- Easy: Man to Earth orbit and back for 4.
- Easy: Reveal Mars location for 5.
- Easy: Man to space and back for 2.
- Easy: Working Probe/Capsule in space for 1.
I'm definitely going for the Mercury Survey, and using an Ion Thruster to get there.
Purchase Saturn Advancement and Saturn.
Purchase Saturn, Soyuz Advancement.
Purchase Probe, Surveying Advancement, Ion Thruster
Advancement, 2 Probes, Vostok Capsule.
Purchase 2 Soyuz, Atlas.
Fire Saturn with Soyuz and Probe to Lunar Survey, this is just to
get some cards turned. Saturn is success, Soyuz is success, this gets
Probe into Lunar Orbit, now to Survey… Success. Too bad there is no
mission for Lunar Survey. Microbes found. I have $5 left over, what to
spend it on? Buy another Altas.
Launch Saturn (Success) with Ion Thruster and Probe. Ion Thruster
is a Minor Failure, oops. Purchase another Ion Thruster.
Launch Saturn (Success, Advancement is clear) with Ion Thruster
and Probe. Major Failure! Oh noes! Buy off the Failure and purchase 2
more Ion Thrusters. Those extra Probes I picked up are coming in handy
Purchase Rendezvous and two Probes and another Ion Thruster.
Purchase Saturn, launch two Ion/Probes. Rendezvous attempt to
split spacecraft, Success. Minor failure on Ion Drive, scrapping the
Venus mission. This is 3 failures on Ion Thrusters. Dang. (Mistake:
I could have brought the Ion Thruster back to Earth for repair.)
Purchase Saturn and Ion Thruster, and lets hope docking works.
Major Failure for Rendezvous! Crap! That's $47 tied up and useless.
Should have tested Rendezvous. I don't have any cash to remove the Major
Failure, it's going back into the Outcomes. Bummer. (As above, I could
have brought the damaged component back to Earth for repair.)
I need to test and clear Rendezvous before going any further. In
fact, because it's necessary for separation, I think it's something I
need to start testing much earlier in the game. For now I'm going with
the "speed bump" variant of Rendezvous, just using a single outcome.
I launched a Saturn with 2 Junos, Rendezvous successful. Purchase
Saturn and Ion Thruster. 1 year remaining on Mars probe.
(Mistake here, cannot purchase components without the corresponding
advancement if such exists.)
Purchase Ion Thruster & Probes, launch, separate for Venus and
Mercury. Put on trajectory for Inner Planets Transfer, both for 1 year
trip, place Time Markers. Mars probe arrives next year. Purchase Soyuz
and Apollo Capsule.
Mars Probe arrives, seasonal growths of plant life, supplies
available. Purchase Reentry Advancement. Two Soyuz stages with a Vostok
capsule to test Soyuz and Reentry. Purchase Astronaut, Vladimir. Probes
in Inner Planet Transfer, continue to Venus and Mercury Fly-Bys, respectively.
Vostok Reentry, Success. Purchase Saturn. Remove Time Markers
from Venus and Mars Fly Bys. Nothing at Mercury, Venus with Extreme Heat
and Pressure, would have destroyed a lander. Purchase Vostok and launch
both. Vostok Reentry for Major Failure, purchase for 5. Apollo stays in
Earth Orbit.
Apollo Capsule destroyed on Reentry, purchased Major Failure for 5.
Nothing else I really want to do, I'm calling the game here.
I'm taking the score as 18 from the 3 survey successes.
Still questions with the Rendezvous: which components can be used to test this? From the forums, pretty much any spacecraft.
Playing this solo doesn't have the same sort of urgency that playing against others has.