Digging into Android:Netrunner


Android:Netrunner (ANR) is a game I've had in my collection for years. I played along with the tutorial shortly after I got it. As it turns out, the friend of mine in LA who was playing it a lot decided to stop playing it, and my local friend isn't a fan of expandable card games. So ANR just hasn't gotten to my table.

Since I have some free time at the moment, I've been working through my short-ish list of unplayed non-wargames, of which I'm counting ANR.

First impression: this is a fairly difficult game to learn, and to play well.

After playing about 1/3 of a deck solo, this impression feels validated. I'm going to play out a few more rounds, then pack it up and call it a play. My curiousity is satisfied. This is a game I could really dig into, but at the moment, I'd prefer to dig deeper into Race for the Galaxy and Lord of the Rings expandable card game.

There a couple of reasons for this. The first is the that Race for the Galaxy is a very popular and reasonably quickly playing game. In comparison, ANR is not as popular, and opponents are harder to find. ANR is more difficult to play solitaire than Race for the Galaxy, and Lord of the Rings is designed for solitaire. Lacking opponents and the ability for easily playing solitaire puts ANR back on the shelf for a while.

Which is a pity, because I think I'd really like the game. Actually, I do really like the game, just not enough that it would supercede other games.

I'm calling this game good, and putting it up for now. I hope to revisit ANR in the relatively near future, perhaps early next year, or even later this year. If I find a convenient opponent, I'll be all over it.
