Card Games at EGO


Some five player games today in Oakland. We kicked off with Republic of Rome. The factions were represented by myself, JS, RE, AH and MW.

This is an interesting game to be sure. I seems to support five people fairly well. On first play, it seems to be intricate, but not overwhelmingly so. We played six or eight rounds, and MW accumulated enough "influence" and voting power to declare himself dictator and winning the game. This is not a surprise, he's played it more than anyone else, along with being a good, competitive player. For me, I liked the game ok, but it's not something I'll pick up for myself. I won't mind playing it again in the right circumstances, but it's not a game I feel I'll be seeking out much in the future. I do believe it's a very good game though, despite not being precisely to my taste.

Our next game was Pax Porfiriana. We got a late start, around 4 or perhaps shortly after. RE and JS had never played it before. MW won this one as well, but he's been playing this online a lot lately.
