Ottoman Sunset first play


As part of my unplayed games effort, I thought I'd get this little States of Siege title played. It also counts for one of my 2017 Nickels, so no better time than the present to knock out a play.

This will proceed as usual, the cards listed out in the order they get drawn, with a bit of commentary about what I decided to do. There are a number of odd pieces in this game, I'll figure out what to do with them when I pull the relevant events.

Let's get started.

  1. 19 Senussi Revolt. Purchase +1 resource.

  2. 04 Enver to the Front. Both actions against Caucasus, both rolls failed, ugh. Off to a great start already.

  3. 18 Bulgaria joins the Central Powers.

  4. 17 Grand Duke Nicholas takes control.

  5. 01 Intelligence Bureau of the East.

  6. 07 Turkish Minelaying. One mine standee placed for free. Spent another action to emplace the Dardanos gun.

  7. 03 Jihad Declared. Day cards go in. I keep failing rolls on offensive with very low values, like 2 and 3, not good.

  8. 29 Brusilov Offensive. Victory.

  9. 33 Yudenich Named Commander in Chief.

  10. 11 Gallipoli Landings. Gallipoli track now in play. Placed the last Turkish gun in The Narrows. Now let's see what happens.

  11. 26 Verdun. Victory. Still rolling super bad on Caucasus front.

  12. 31 The Somme. Victory. Dang. Winning the battles, this is good.

  13. 25 Erzurum Offensive. Resource for Eastern Theater.

  14. 05 Ghadar Conspiracy. Coup in India fails.

  15. 20 Landings at Salonika. Caucasus is in it's 1 box, next card could be game over if Causasus advances.

  16. 28 Jutland. Defeat. Managed to push back Gallipolli and Caucasus fronts to their 2 spaces.

  17. 13 Italy joins the War. Victory. Salonika and Gallipolli pushed back a space.

  18. 27 Mesopotamian Siege. I'm now doing about as well as I usually do at these States of Siege games, getting to the 17th card. Caucasus is again on its 1 box.

  19. 21 Central Powers Meddling in Afghanistan. Caucasus advance into Constantinople, and that's the game!

Ok, well, the whole rest of the map looks great except I kept rolling 1s and 2s against Caucasus, and it kept advancing. I suppose I could have spent more actions attempting to control it, but that's in the nature of the risk, I had a better than even chance of beating it back, but the die didn't roll for me there. Bummer.

In any case, lots of good, new historical events to look up. This game feels easier than Hapsburg Eclipse, there doesn't seem to be quite as much going on.
