Hive 54


I played white in this game, and I haven't been whipped so badly in months.

This emphasizes that rankings aren't that important, the opponent here was 100 points under me in ranking, and tore me a new asshole, and fast, too. He was way ahead of me pretty much the whole game.

To be more fair to myself, I made at least three major blunders the last of which just clinched the game for black. And black made mistakes I didn't capitalize on I'm sure.

Here's the end of the game, and note how much perimeter control I have as white, and what a fat lot of good that did me here:

Hive Game 54

This game is worth working through piecewise. There are situations which should be in my library of personal hive moves. Since it's closing on midnight, not going to do this tonight.

Interesting that the opponent has been on the site for 6 days and played 55 games of Hive so far. That's more than I've played in over 2 years total. The ranking doesn't make sense, this player should rank higher with a 62% win rate.
