Battle for Moscow XII


Once again, the Germans get completely stymied. I think I'm doing something really wrong, but I don't know what for sure. Some particualr things which are hurting me are:

  1. Pulling in 5 Soviet replacements during Mud turns instead of 4.

  2. Germans getting trapped on opposite ends by Russians doing low odds attack. On EX result, the winner doesn't have to lose anything if the loser is eliminated during retreat.

  3. I've been trying to trap Soviet units behind German lines so that they don't come in during replacements. This hasn't been working, as it slows the Germans down too much as the Soviets just move a single hex to ensure ZOC stoppage.

One good thing from playing this so many times is I knocked out Turns 2-6 along with the picture and this blog post in under an hour. I should be able to budget 2 hours for a complete game of this in the future, from setup to blog post, game logging and putting the game away, and be very comfortable. That's good to know.

Here's what the top of Turn 7 looked like when the Germans conceded:

Battle for Moscow game 12
