Target Leningrad X


I'm taking this one as a clean win.

The start was a bit rough, as can be seen in the photo below for the end of Turn 1. Eliminating a Soviet army is just inviting it to reinforce Leningrad, almost always precluding a German win. Having the 48th Army in the woods west of Dvina did not help either.

However, I was able to shut down the eastern edge by the end of Turn 3. From there, it was getting lucky rolls for Baltic Fleet, which I was able to remove on turn 7. The follow on attack at 2:1 resulted in No Effect

On Turn 8, attack at 2:1 + 2R for Air, roll 5 for DRL, eliminated for German win.

Not too bad.

The key is shutting down the eastern edge to prevent reinforcements from coming in.

Game 10 turn 1
