Hive XX, XXI


Game 20 was a stupid loss. I thought I was in a race for beetling the queen, which I was, but I wasn't 1 move ahead as I thought I was. I may have been able to pull out of it but I blundered badly 3 moves out by moving an ant into the wrong pinning position.

Two lessons here:

  1. If I think it's looking like an easy win, I've probably missed something.

  2. Don't move an ant into a useless pin, move it into a pin which prevent direct winning conditions, instead of an offensive pin to prevent a countermove a couple of turns out.

This was an stupid bad game on my part.

I am black in the game below.

Hive game 20 end of game

Game 21

Game 21 turned out really, really well. Had my opponent played as well at the beginning as he played during the last half, he would have won it or come a lot closer.

This opponent came out swinging really hard, super aggressive. As a result, he had all his pieces on the board and mostly pinned while I had five peices ready. I was able to scurry my queen out of harms way several times.

I am also black in this game:

Game 21 end
