Light game day at DP (Hive 11 & 12)
Big day for little games at Dos Palmas with CC. Played 7 games total this afternoon:
Pirateer, I won by chasing CC's ship down into his home port, and landing on it to take the treasure away. He was 1 pip from winning.
Cathedral, CC won. I forgot about the territory capture aspect of this game, so it was kind of a blowout.
Hive 12, CC won, this was the first game we played, it's numbered 12 due to how it ended listed in play stats at BGG.
Hive 11, I won, second Hive game, numbering to match BGG play listing.
Cathedral, CC won.
6 Nimmt!, CC won. I had some really bad pickups this game. We played to 45 points instead of 66. By bad, I crossed 45 points on the third hand.
Game of Thrones Card Game, I won