A Solo Study in Emerald


Despite A Study in Emerald (ASIE) being one of the first five games in my now too-large-to-play collection, I haven't ever taken the time to learn the rules and play through a game. The best I've been able to do is a learning game a couple of weeks ago. That went not-well. We really thrashed. In part, I think the thrashing, and in general not playing, is a result of my inability to understand the rules to these "euro" games by reading. I find wargame rules so much easier to read and understand. Fortunately, smarter people than I enjoy making Youtube playthroughs. I watched three to figure out how to play ASIE.

Enough jibba jabba, time to play.

I'm playing Agent Wednesday (AW, green, Restorationist) and Agent Friday (AF, purple, Restorationist).

AW starts in Zurich, AF starts in Paris.

Turn 1

AW leads with:

  1. 2 cubes on Vera Figner in Madrid,
  2. Purchase 1 cube for 2 gold.


  1. 2 cubes on Louise Michel in London,
  2. purchase cube for 2 gold.

So far, not too interesting. But that's ok, my main goal for this game is understanding the mechanics of how to do stuff on the board.

Turn 2


  1. Acquires Vera Figner.
  2. purchase another cube.


  1. purchase Louise Michel. AF is now "known to the authorities."
  2. 3 cubes on Hired Assassin which is in Paris. (This is probably a mistake this early in the game.)

Turn 3


  1. 2 cubes on Prince Kropotkin in Berlin.
  2. reclaim one cube from Limbo.


  1. Two cubes on London.
  2. purchase 1 cube.

Turn 4


  1. Playing Vera Figner "Assassinate Royalty" action in Madrid against Boaht Z'. This require four bombs. Three of the bombs are on two cards, Vera has a bomb for herself. Sanity marker is MAD! AW is now Known to the Authorities, with 2 VPs.
  2. 2 cubes on St. Petersburg.


  1. Claim the one-use Hired Assassin card in Paris.
  2. 3 cubes out of Limbo.

Turn 5


  1. Claiming St. Petersburg card.
  2. 3 cubes on Nadar airships card in St. P.


  1. Claim London.
  2. Blocking disk on Nadar.


  1. 3 cubes on The Black Hand in Constantinople.
  2. purchase 1 cube.

Turn 6


  1. acquire Prince Kropotkin in Berlin. Adds 1 VP for 9 total.
  2. 4 cubes from Limbo.


  1. Move Louise Michel to The Hague.
  2. 1 cube on The Hague.

Turn 7


  1. 1 cube on Shoggoth in Rome.
  2. purchase 1 cube.


  1. Claim The Hague for 3 more VPs, total 10.
  2. 3 cubes out of Limbo.

Turn 8


  1. Move AW from Zurich to Vienna.
  2. 1 cube in Vienna.


  1. Claim The Black Hand card from Constantinople.
  2. 2 cubes on Zombies in Zurich.

Turn 9


  1. Claim Vienna.
  2. Move AW to Berlin from Vienna.


  1. Claim Zombies card from Zurich, Sanity draw result is Sane.
  2. purchase 1 cube.

Turn 10


  1. Assassinate "The Burrower Beneath" using AW's one time action card, with AW himself and Prince Kropotkin. That's 5 more VP for total 19. I may have been able to use Vera Figner's action for this, and just the bombs on the agent card. See questions below. Sanity draw: Sane.
  2. pass.


  1. 2 cubes on Evno Asef.
  2. 2 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 11


  1. Remove blocking disk from Nadar.
  2. Place 1 cube in Rome.


  1. Move Louise Michel from The Hague to Paris.
  2. 2 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 12


  1. Claim Nadar.
  2. 2 cubes from Limbo.


  1. Assassinate "The Spinner in the Darkness" in Paris for 4 VP, Sanity draw Sane. Hired Assassin card goes out of play.

Turn 13


  1. Claim Rome.
  2. 3 cubes from Limbo.


  1. Claim Evno Asef in The Hague.
  2. 3 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 14


  1. Move AW and Prince K from Berlin to St P.
  2. place cube on Hired Assassin in Paris.


  1. 2 cubes on Nadar.
  2. 1 cube on Paris.

Turn 15

  1. 2 cubes on Baron U-S.
  2. purchase cube.


  1. Claim Paris.
  2. Move AF and Louise Michel from Paris to Zurich.

Turn 16


  1. Claim Hired Assassin from Paris.
  2. 2 cubes on Johan Most in Paris.


  1. Zombies!
  2. 1 cube on Necronomicon in The Hague.

Turn 17

  1. Move AW from St P to The Hague.
  2. 1 cube on William Steiber in Cairo.


  1. 2 cubes on Hired Assassin in Constantinople.
  2. Move Evno from The Hague to St P.

Turn 18


  1. Claim William Steiber in Cairo.
  2. Move Steiber to Rome.


  1. Claim Nadar from Berlin.
  2. 2 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 19


  1. Nadar AW from The Hague to Rome.
  2. Assassinate Rhogog. Sanity draw MAD! Steiber is removed.


  1. Claim Hired Assassin from Constantinople.
  2. 4 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 20


  1. 2 cubes on Peter R. in Washington.
  2. Move Revolution Track marker 1 space.


  1. Zombies in The Hague, Paris and Zurich.
  2. AF and Evno to Vienna.

Turn 21


  1. 2 cubes from Limbo.
  2. 2 cubes on William Morris in Cairo.


  1. Assassinate Nug and Yeb in Vienna, draw MAD! Evno is lost.
  2. pass.

Turn 22


  1. Claim William Morris in Cairo.
  2. Nadar William Morris to Washington.


  1. Zombies in Rome and Cairo.
  2. 3 cubes on Ravachol in Cairo.

Turn 23


  1. Claim Peter Rachkovsky in Washington.
  2. 1 cube on Washington.


  1. 2 cubes on Hired Assassin in Washington.
  2. 2 cubes from Limbo.

Turn 24


  1. Claim Washington for 5 VP, total 31.
  2. Discard 2.


  1. Claim Hired Assassin from Washington. This is probably too late in the game to matter.
  2. 3 cubes on Emma Goldman in Washington.

Turn 25


  1. Claim Shoggoth, draw MAD! Game is over, AW wins on points with 31 to 25 on the scoring track. ## AAR

Some questions:

  1. When playing an agent's one time action for assassination, do the bombs on that card count? From the Card Actions - Assassination section of the rules, it looks like either the action or the bomb must be used, but not both.

  2. If an agent card (e.g., Vera Figner) in the hand has an "Assassinate Royalty" action, can this be played without having the agent present for the assassination?

  3. Somehow, rescoring at the end of the game didn't result in the same score as what was on the scoring track. Is that normal, or did I miss something important?


  • Forgot to remove the Vera Figner agent from the board as a result of drawing a Mad sanity token after the assassination.
