Another visit to the Mekong Delta and other adventures


Time again for action in the delta, the Mekong Delta that is. My usual opponent and I sat down for a more in depth examination of SEALORDS. This is the third time we've gotten it to the table, and we're starting to get more of the nuance required to play the game well.

We played the six turn Game Warden scenario.

Some notes from the game:

  • On setup, note that supply infiltration and troop infiltration junks are placed in Cambodia.

  • Cadre occupation acquire double VP during territorial victory point phase, and allow deploying reinforcements in South Vietnam rather than Cambodia.

  • VC militia and local force infantry are always in supply, so do not deploy these bases.

  • Deploy supply caches in towns without militia or local forces.

  • Do not deploy bunkers with deception units only.

  • Guerrilla markers go out of play when revealed?

  • Deception goes out of play or in reinforcements or refit once revealed?

  • For airstrike only, does Z send air unit to refit?

  • What are FWA CI units good for?

  • Roll for bounce on every combat cycle?

  • Final score nva 63, fwa 44, draw with 19 point spread.

Good game. I'm sure we're going to play it again.

After SEALORDS, we ripped through the first three turns of Yaquinto's The Fall of South Vietnam. We skimmed the rules and jumped right in. I'm almost sure we didn't play it correctly, but I'm also sure we weren't too far off. It's fundamentally an extremely simple game, which we're looking at as a filler.
