Churchill Full Bore


Played a full 10 conference game of Churchill with AH at EGO this afternoon. We took about 6 hours to get through all 10 conferences, including counting VP and putting the game away. Probably another 30 minutes before hand setting it up, but we were waiting for someone who didn't show.

I played Stalin and won with 62 against AH 45. The die roll-off at the end wasn't enough to send it to second place. We had to work together to keep it from going to Condition 3: piled on in Eastern Front, and managed to activate Japan and get enough Offensives into the Soviet Eastern Front to get a breakthrough into Manchuria.

Stalin won 4 conferences. These were mostly because I was ruthless in getting the A Bomb and Directed Offensive issues. This was one of the big reasons Stalin carried it.

The received opinion is the Stalin is way harder to play, but I don't think so. We'll see how it goes after a few more games.
