Dragon of Magdeburg - 3 player Ogre


The "Dragon of Magdeburg" is a new, 3-player scenario resulting from the Ogre Kickstarter contest. We ended up playing with 4 as the 4th player (CC) showed up just as we were deploying our forces on the map.

Predictably, SK won it, but then again, he usually does.

AS played the defender, which features the Doppelsoldner along with some associated armor and infantry. The Doppelsoldner is roughly equivalent to a Combine Mark VI. The main difference being it has less treads and a lot more missiles.

The game was pretty much a manuever exercise until AS committed the Doppel against my forces, which had retreated to a point where they could swarm. I managed to pull the claws of the thing without losing too many units. SK, though, had held back and not lost any units at all.

Not a bad scenario once the positioning was over.
