Vietnam Solitaire 3 (and more)


A third play.

Playing a quick game while getting the laundry done. The goal is getting past Turn 4, where I've been stymied on my two previous turns.

This game, I decided to hold back a little instead of pushing hard to the limit of the political points, capping the per turn spend at 10-11 if possible.

More strategy:

  • Get the ARVN into cities and paddies as fast as possible.
  • Ramp up US forces starting with Air Cav as it's the most expensive.
  • Add US regular forces each turn into jungle, as ARVN does better than VC in paddies and cities.
  • Use left points to handle the trail.
  • Use napalm whenever there is a leftover point or two to eliminate VC in jungle areas.
  • Get lucky with the dice.

Of all these, getting lucky with the dice has gotten the game through Turn 5 to the state in the picture below.

End of Turn 5

Pretty nice. Should be able to get a draw without even doing much. I probably could have risked putting another napalm down given how much area I'm controlling, but that's not always clear during that phase when there are more VC/NVA on the map.

The primary lucky I'm getting is good rolls for clearing Trail, and so far, neither VC nor NVA have taken more than a single ARVN off the map.

This game went on to end on Turn 13, which is a major victory, majorly spoiled by the fact I forgot to roll for political events. This is important, as political events are almost uniformly bad, and make the game a bit more difficult. (Possibly a lot more difficult.) In any case, the strategy of getting as many units on the ground as early as possible seems to be the smart way to win the game even with policital points.

Hapsburg Eclipse

Here's the card order: 50, 01, 04, 02, 09, 03, 11, 06, 16, 07, 15, 10, 25, 21, 12, 18, 34, 19, 13, 30, 17

Polish Front enters Vienna, game over. The Italians had advanced to Graz, which almost surely would have resulted in National Will defeat as well. I didn't total up points, but it's something like 5 victories, 3 defeats, 7 flags passed on the fronts tracks, and 2 in revolt with about half the deck remaining. An average defeat, I would think, not totally, annihilated, but not really that close to victory either.

Soviet Dawn

Shooting for a political win on this game.

Cards: 29, 23, 14, 7, 5, 11, 6, 3, 12, 1, 8 (Bukharin option for the political points), 25, 16, 2, 46, 35, 34 (Reorganize, acquire Comintern for +1 on political rolls), 15, 30.

Card 30, Jassy Conference, won the game with the +1 DRM on political track with the +1 DRM from Comintern I got to 8 on the political track. I spent the action to roll a 6 for political advancement and victory.

Victory level:

  • Fronts at 3, 3, 2: 8
  • Fronts removed: 6
  • Reserve and political remaining: 8
  • Only Night cards added: 5

Total: 27, Proud Soviet State.

France '40

Counters are punched, the Sickle Cut game is set up, and there is a lot to absorb in the rules. I could start that here, but I think I want to get the writeup going in it's own article.
